After reading detailed reviews about people taking colon cleansers and seeing various sci-fi like things come out of themselves, I'm wondering if detox is really useful or not. I once took a 7 day Cleanse program from GNC, and I felt better after using it, but I don't know if that had more to do with my healthy diet and exercise. I saw all these pictures of intestinal goop and while most research says that the liver can do just fine detoxing the body, what about the goop? All of that stuff can't be good in the colon, but does it present dangers to ones health to take all that fiber and who knows what else? Technically, what would that in depth, complicated colon cleanse offer that say, a dose of Metamucil couldn't? All those reviews said they got flatter stomachs, better sleep habits, etc etc etc... What is happening here? I find myself oddly interested in a program, but I don't want to just be in the bathroom all the time, especially at work.