
Are Detroit fans really bandwagoners?

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My friend from Dallas said this of Detroit fans. I wanted to know if there was any validity to his statement.




  1. Is your friend an illegal or does he have his green card.  Any real American knows about Detroit's traditions in sports.  We have bad years just like every one else.  And bad decades if were talking about he Lions.  But it's all just lunacy to assume people from Detroit don't love their sports.

  2. No there the best American fans next to Buffalo and Minnesota

  3. no way. whoever is a fan of the wings has liked them their whole lives. and that goes down in the family then for generations.  whoever likes them has always loved them! you friend in Dallas needs to get a reality check, and learn what hockey is!

  4. bandwagoners as in they only watch if the red wings are going to win the stanley cup? I wouldn't assume so. my family goes to detroit every year because of relatives and you are bound to see lots of red wings shirts and ads and the like even when they are not in the playoffs. we watch them for as long as they play...not just during the playoffs...that would be stupid to only watch your favorite hockey team then.

  5. No more than any other fans. Some fans, regardless of city, are bandwagoners and some are not. Go to any city in the country when their team sucks, and you'll find people suddenly are not that enthusiastic. Do the same when the team is hot, and everyone is excited. It is no different in Detroit than it is in Dallas, or Pittsburgh, who almost moved out of town before Syd the Kid came along. In the end, MOST sports fans are bandwagoners. The city is irrelevant.

  6. Not here.  Been a fan since I saw Steve Yzerman play in 1988!!  My boyfriend at the time was a huge fan, then I was into baseball, then he took me to my first hockey game at the Joe.  I saw Steve Yzerman play and that was it!  I was hooked.

    Also a diehard Lions fan who thinks they will win the Superbowl....................(before i die....I hope)

  7. no - as a michigander i see a lot of wings support through thick and thin. I see tattoos, stickers on cars, t-shirts, jerseys all year long. we love our hockey up here and we love our wings. i admit, i like our detriot teams, but i only watch during playoffs.

  8. yep...they just havent been bad enough lately to jump off but look at their fan base in the early 80s...theres ur proof

    meanwhile Philly fans sell out games as the worst team in the league with the worst record in franchise history and rank 4th among fan attendance in the league that that is a fan base

  9. EVERY team has 'em and true fans of every team hate 'em.Your buddy's just upset that Detroit thrashed them in playoffs. Kinda like Flyers fans after we whupped up on them.

  10. You also have to separate bandwagoners from people whose teams have been knocked out and want a certain team to win over another.  People who actually like hockey and not just their own team will follow the finals and will pull for one team or the other...that doesn't make them bandwagoners.

    Bandwagoners are people that pull for their team so hard they will insult any team, even Detroit.  Then come back when there team is out and act like they've been Detroit fans their whole life.

    As for me, I have always had 2 teams.  TBL cause I'm from Tampa and have been to more games then I can remember, and Detroit because watching some of their early 90s playoff games got me into hockey

  11. Yes.

    Detroit Redwings: Hockey

    NY Yankees: Baseball

    If you're not a fan of hockey, you just cheer for the Redwings.

  12. No, they are not bandwagoners. If they were then the attendance and visibility of the fans should have gone way down after scotty bowman retired and the team wasn't as good for a couple years.

    Besides there are still fewer bandwagon red wings fans than there are bandwagon yankees and red sox fans. Exhibit A: I have never heard of any red sox fans who lived outside of the boston area who is over the age of 35 and who had followed them for many years.

    Note: I think that no fan really wants to see their team lose and so I don't really blame people when they don't attend as many games when their team is having a bad year as long as they still support the same team.

    Besides, the red wings or other well know teams in any sport provide a sort of goliath to their opponent's david which makes wins against the goliath all that much sweeter for the davids.

  13. There will always be bandwagoners, no matter what team is playing.

    Human nature...people like winning teams.  People like underdogs.  When there is a matchup, people that don't know ANYTHING about a team will jump on the wagon and cheer for them.  Why?  It is human nature for us to select one side to cheer for in a it a presidential election or the Stanley Cup Finals.

    The Stars have bandwagon fans, but they also have fans who live and breathe the Stars.  Same for the Pens.  Same for the Red Wings.

    So yes, there is some validity to his statement...but not all the fans are bandwagoners.  And I'm sure that if your friend looked at all the Stars fans, he would find some bandwagoners too.

  14. Not all of them...there are some good ones out there.

  15. No, Detroit is always behind their teams. I think that the problems they were having with filling the seats early this season has more to do with their struggling economy then it does with fan dedication. Detroit has been hit a lot harder by the recession then some other cities. Remember that food comes first , then hockey, then the morgage ;-)

  16. i'm not talking about the red wings until they fill their stadium on a regular basis...including non-stanley cup finals games

  17. There are always going to be people jumping on the bandwagon.  Fans in Michigan have always supported their teams through thick and thin, and Detroit Red Wings fans are not an exception.

    Your friend is just sore about the Wings beating the Stars.

  18. I couldn't care less who is on my (our) wagon- the more the merrier.

  19. I'm leaning towards some. There are true die-hard wings fan then there are those. What not like a team who has won 10 (about to be 11) Stanley cups. Like i said some are but most aren't

  20. All teams have bandwagoners, all teams have true blue fans...I can't imagine someone in Dallas said that right now...

  21. Some are........In the mid eighties I was.......then I got stuck on the thats what 30+ years I have been a fan

  22. Yeah, but the majority of bandwagoners on this site are from Pittsburgh. They're homers too. At least the Wings' wagon has one or two homers...the Pens' wagon has 90% of homers.

  23. He's just a sore loser.

    Besides I live in Texas (originally from NY), and Texans in general are notorious bandwaggoners.

  24. No, we are not bandwagoners.

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