
Are Doctor's pregnancy tests more accurate than at home tests?

by  |  earlier

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I was told to get a blood test done to see if I really am pregnant (i took two at home tests and even though I'm late, they are negative) and i was trying to find another alternative.

I was wondering if Doctor's 'pee on a stick' tests are more accurate than the ones you can buy in the store?




  1. No they are all pretty much the same the blood test will show for sure  

  2. they all do the same thing. and by a blood test there is no doubt.

  3. they do the same thing but are concidered more trustworthy.  Ie. if you are applying for medicaid/wic/have a baby daddy who doesn't believe you they will believe a paper from doctor. Blood tests are 100% but most doctors don't do those without a reason to. I got a test for 10 dollars at planned parenthood and they said if I really wanted a blood test they could do it for 20 more.

  4. The blood test will actually tell you not only if you're pregnant, but how far along you are based on the hormone HCG in your body.

    The one that you pee on stick is the same accuracy, it doesn't matter if it's at home or in the doctor's office.  

  5. no they are the same you should get a blood test to be sure.

  6. i think the tests are more or less the same, however they get you to pee in a cup so they have more pee to test with and it is also possible for them to test a small amount of blood to find out if you are pregnant

  7. anything that involves a doctor is more accurate than somthign you buy from a shop or do at home

    go to your gp!!

  8. I think the pee tests are very similar, but the blood test done with the doctor is the very best.

  9. yes they are more accurate, they can detect the hcg hormone when it's at a lower rate eg if you are still quite early.  

  10. it's better to try the Doctor's tests... it's better to be sure.. ;)

  11. Urine tests no matter where they r taken are the same.With a blood test @ the doctors office there is no doubt n ur mind whether you are pregnant or not

  12. The doctors here in Australia, just use the ones we can buy in a store. Most accurate would be a blood test :)

  13. Hi, no a HPT is actually more sensitive than those at the doctors.  With my 1st pregnancy i had 2 positive HPT, went to doctors to confirm it and there's came back negative.  It was another 4days before i went back and got a positive result with the doctor.  Clearblue easy came up 2 days before my period was due, doctors was 2 days after period was due

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