
Are EMA application forms available (2008/09)?

by  |  earlier

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If so, can you post a link.

I need to fill it in online, or get a form to send off because my school are not giving them out.




  1. here's the link:

  2. I know the number. Its freephone.

    0800 121 89 89 and ask for an application pack to be sent to you.

    If you cannot get to a phone then go to you're schools Careers Advisor, he/she is obliged to help you get in contact with EMA if you need it.

    Or go to you're local Connexions Team, you're school will have information on where they are situated.

    A word of advise, EMA will try and miss payments if they can, make a list of all the payments and check them off as you receive them. Trust me on this. Any other student that has received EMA will tell you the same.

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