
Are EVPs real?

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Have people actually been able to record ghostly messages with white noise? If so, how do they do it?




  1. People certainly have recorded what they later interpreted to be "messages from the beyond". But almost without exception these recordings are very nebulous, noisy and distorted, and pulling words or phrases out of that noise really is more of an exercise in power of suggestion (see link on pareidolia) than listening to a ghost say something. In addition there rarely are any good controls used in recording these ghost voices, e.g., elimination of radio interference, elimination of stray sounds, redundancy of recording units, etc.

    How do they do it?  Typically, the ghost hunter wanders around with a digital or tape recorder in their hand asking the spirits questions. Later, they listen back to the recording to see if the "ghost" left any message. Much of the time the ghost hunter will highly amplify the recording or do other manipulations to try to extract a message, though usually these things just result in creating more noise and audio artificacts to misinterpret as spoken words.

  2. I have recorded many of evp over the years. I have never had a tv or anything else on to create a white noise.

    I tell them, to talk loud & clear, if they do not, I will not accept any voice I may think I hear. Below are a couple of messages I received.

    A friend and I were doing a recording in my home; we asked the spirits if they would talk to us, we received the following:

    “They want us to talk”

    A (spirit) cat meowing.

    On an investigation at resort hotel, I saw a spirit dog running in the halls, and then shortly after that I received the following;

    “Did you see which way my dog went?”

    I had some people here to my home hoping to communicate with some of the spirits here, here is some of the message we received, and one is mainly directed at one of the men, who I will call Adam. Adam was very arrogant & snippy with the spirits. He wanted to see things float around, disappear & reappear. I explained to him, that they weren’t a circus act.

    Adam, “I want you to make a noise.”

    Female spirit, “No not for you!”

    Adam, “Move something”

    Female spirit, “Be careful what you ask for.”

    Adam, “Every time I am talking, you make a noise.”

    Female spirit, “Then shut your mouth.”

    As you can see, his attitude was not accepted by the spirits & they did not like him.

  3. I don't know how they do it, but I am pretty sure that it is for real...  I am a paranormal researcher and I have talked to the director many times about this...  I wish I could give you a better answer....

  4. a. Yes, they are fakes             b. Yes, they are real

    c. No, but it's possible             d. No, and they never will

    I choose d

    Is that your final answer?


    You've won a MILLION DOLLARS!

  5. Short, but correct answer:



  6. I have heard both real and fake EVPs.  I have been at places where VERY clear ones were caught, and there was no mistaking what was being said! No garbled words or noisy backgrounds! So yes, it is possible. As to where? I'd rather not get into all that, but basically it's a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Most of the time they can be caught using a basic digital voice recorder.

  7. You can pick up EVP's through any type of recording device.

    Most are distorted and sound like static interference.

    But just once in a while will you hear something clear as a bell where people aren't guessing what is being said.

    I prefer recording the sounds from abandoned buildings.

    That way the chances of misinterpreting interference from a TV or radio are out of the question.

  8. I have heard EVP's before. I have never done it.

    I think there are real ones, and there are fake ones.

    Like the one's you hear on TV are probably very very fake, just trying to get viewers.

    Check out WORLD ITC, I believe their EVP's are real
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