
Are Energy Companies putting up prices because they know we`ll all just sit back and pay it like total Mugs?

by Guest55839  |  earlier

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Are Energy Companies putting up prices because they know we`ll all just sit back and pay it like total Mugs?




  1. Yes,

  2. They are Capitalists what do you expect!!!

    but is it free in Communist countries?

  3. Unless enough of us refuse to pay the incredibly high prices, they will continue to hike them up whenever they like. The only other alternative is to give up using gas and electricity, which would probably mean that you will be out in some fields with a tent and a wee fire!! If solar panel technology were easily available, we could give up paying for our energy altogether...

  4. Yes in a nut shell. When company's like BP release profits for the last 6 month period of £6.25bn it isn't through necessity I'm afraid :)

  5. I'm wondering whether it might be a good idea to only pay what you can afford and no more.I would write to the energy company explaining that I will pay X amount as I can afford no more.I'm sure one would get a whole load of threatening letters from them-these can be replied to with courtesy and any threats of cutting off ones supply could be counter-threatened with court action to prevent them.I am sure no court in the land would permit one to be cut off as long as you are making regular payments.I've  afriend who is a whizz on law so am going to get him to look into it-will mail you if you are interested--plus it is actually quite easy to dispute and have disregarded any penalty fines for not paying full amount

  6. IT IS NOT THE PRICE OF PETRO! The DEMOCRAT SADDAM HUSSAIN POLITICAL PARTY Of the USA! Tax & Spendtrifts that you vote for and believe in monetary slavery, but will not revel the the white sheets in their closet!

  7. We all need a back bone.. but when do we all get together and do something about it?? like dont buy gas for one full day.. or longer.. no-one!!

  8. Pretty much-YES.  If everyone in the U.S. that

    drives a car, would not buy any gas for one

    week, you would see things change.  The oil

    companies would get pretty scared.

      But of course, Americans DO NOT WANT

    inconvenience.  Remember folks, you can

    still get to work--there ARE BUSES.

      When will you just get mad enough to tell

    the oil companies where to go?

      Who runs your life?  You or Exxon?

  9. Yep thats about right, no one has any backbone anymore.

    As from next tuesday at 10,oclock i want the whole country to go outside and torch their wheely bins in protest to the government,millions of wheely bins set alight.then pile your c**p all over the streets untill they take note.

    Please dont let me be the only one torching the contents of me

  10. there is a truth in what you're saying, if people just simply refused to pay the ridiculous prices not just on fuel but every item that seemed over inflated, the prices would simply come down...<^><...

  11. expression nail and head springs to mind!

  12. Some people wont be able to afford to pay it at all, think yourself lucky to be one of the mugs.

  13. We have no choice, if they say this is what you have to pay then that is what we pay, what is the alternative? If you do not pay you forfeit your supply, unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances and you offer to pay at least something.

    The reason they are putting up their prices is because they CAN. The reason they can is because government sold out our national suppliers to foreign companies, we were told then that greater competition would result in lower charges. That is when we really were the mugs. The government could put a stop to this "racketeering" tomorrow if it chose to, trouble is it chooses not to. As is usual in these cases, I don't blame the money grabbing fat cats for ripping us off, that is their game, and they make no apology for it. It is our incompetent leaders who are prepared to sit back and watch the electorate suffer. Remember this. it is WE who pay their energy bills and, more often than not, for two houses!

    You really couldn't make it up.

  14. Yes, but do you have any ideas, because it looks like they've got us over a barrel.

  15. Yes.  Because what would we do without their survices.

  16. ill just start using less gas.

    we have a coal fire so it might be more viable to get our central heating converted to work from that.

    invest in an electric cooker, i have a 3 tier steamer so 1 ring is all that will be needed.

    there are so many ways to beat them at their own game. the less you use the less profit the greedy b's make.

  17. you bet ye

  18. If not sarcasm then could mention it has been said AL-QAIDA is planning an attack on oil assests. So if everyone evacuates in time then AL-QAIDA can take care of the oil problem by blowing up all the airports, cars and such.

  19. Yes but one good thing will come from it, the thought to use less.

  20. we have no choice but to pay it. if you don't they cut you off. as individual customers we are nothing. if the country took a stand as a whole it might make a difference.

  21. whats your proposition

  22. No; as soon as one company does this, there is bound to be one that undercuts their prices and gets huge profits from the lowered prices and forcing others to follow suit.

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