
Are Engineering Degree and Middle East experience is recognized in Canada.

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I am a Mechanical Engineer with 5 year experience in Oil field industry in Middle East and about to immigrate in Canada (Alberta). Please let me know whether my Engineering Degree (earned from India) and Middle East experience will be accepted there. If not, then advice me accordingly. And what is job prospect in Alberta for Mechanical Engineer in Oil Field.





  1. An engineer from Eastern Europe here, living in Canada/Quebec. I worked my way through the professional engineering organization, and I'm now a licensed engineer (more precise E.I.T.). You have to contact Alberta Engineering Organization at about licensing. You may need to pass a few exams and obtain experience in Canada before recognizing you as the engineer (2-3 years approximately).

  2. I worked at an engineering office in Vancouver and there were many engineers from everywhere including the middle east. I also remember a taxi driver telling me he was an engineer in his former country. Oil field experience would be a big plus.

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