
Are English cricketers really this greedy?

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I recently read on the BBC website about a survey carried out (before the Stanford deal) where 334 cricketers, including 15 who represented England last winter, were questioned and around half of the England stars said they would seriously consider “retiring prematurely” for big-money IPL deals. The survey also revealed that 45% of players questioned would consider signing up for the ICL, even though it could result in a 12-month ban from county cricket, and 89% believe "freedom of movement should prevail in regard to Indian cricket leagues".

The whole idea of Twenty20 cricket was just for a bit of fun, however I can’t help in thinking that the situation has got out of hand with money being the be-all end-all of everything. To be honest it disgusts me to think they would throw away their places in the international squad like that. Surely playing for your country should take priority? Or is that just me? Your views please :)




  1. you might have greed too so you shouldn't be talking about others

  2. Well who wouldnt bowl and bat a few overs for a huge amount of money ?

  3. Absolutely!

  4. Patriotism doesnt pay the bills, & whether your salary comes from sport or big business, you will always strive to increase it. No, they aren't greedy, just realistic.

  5. I think they are that greedy. But lets face it, they've been having to watch footballers getting paid tens of thousands of pounds per week, so why not take the cash if its offered.

    I would. Playing for your country is all very well, but it doesn't give you the lifestyle that only money can bring.

  6. I don't think it's greedy.  You'll only play county/Test cricket for maximum 10-12 years and get paid about 50k a year.  If it means security for the future to get a pay day in the ICL or IPL then you'd do it for your family surely?

  7. If you were offered twice as much money to do the same job for half the time would you take it?

  8. Kerry Packer has already done this in the 70's. So I am afraid to say, it is not new. What is new is the 'amount' that the cricketers are being paid. This outstrips the then 'outrageous' amounts being offered by the Packer group for World Series Cricket back then.

    We now have an accepted form of a cricket brand known as one day cricket. It was however frowned upon back then.

    I agree fully with you in principle. However, as mentioned by very well by 'The Oracle' above me, if you could earn more in a couple of weeks playing a game you love than you can in a couple years, surly as financial viewpoint, it makes sense to jump at.

    Now, personally as a fan of cricket do I like what I am seeing. No. To me it is just hit and giggle cricket. However, again this is no different to the 70's when people called one day cricket 'pajama cricket'.

    Cricketers have been putting money before their country for 30 years - at least. But does that make it right - No!!

    Again as 'The Oracle' alluded to, we can say that "Surely playing for your country should take priority?" all we like, but we do not rely on cricket having to support our families future.

    I don't agree with it, and I don't like but I think it here to stay...

  9. well Kookee just said that 93% of those surveyed still think test cricket is the premier form of the game, as long as it stays that way and Test cricket remains the priority, i have no problem with players going and playing a few games for big bucks, i mean most of them have families to look after, if someone offers you massive amounts of cash, cash that will keep your family secure, for afew weeks work then of course you are going to go for it. look at Glenn McGrath right now, with whats happened to him in the last week i bet hes glad hes got that extra money there as he goes thru the toughest time of his life and i dont think you can hold a grudge againist someone for securing the their family's future

    as long as International cricket takes top priority, then (while i am not a fan of T20) i have no problem with players going and making a quick buck or two

  10. There is a common theme running through the answers here and that is that is "yes".  Not surprising really given the amount of money on offer.

    I disagree that IPL was formed for a bit of fun. Given the money in the event, reportedly, the auctioning system and amount paid for the players, this was always going to be about the money.  The money was required to drag the big players into the competition and it worked.

    Now that it is over and has been declared a success the precedent has been set.  Big money contests are in.  Watch what happens in the next couple of years; it will be interesting.  I suspect there will be defections from the national and 1st class ranks to become T20 hired guns and will be about the money.  I hope I am very wrong.

    The next big thing, IMO will be the betting scandals :-(  Too much money with players playing for money not from loyalty or a sense of patriotism. It's just ripe for it.

  11. if they play for the pride of their country then why dont they play for free? obviously everyone plays for the $$

    show me the money.......

  12. All I can say is that Country must come first I dont think anything can be greater than playing for your country. In sports the whole country expects a lot from you. I dont know much about English players but Indian cricketers are millionaires, they earn a lot from advertisements etc. If they are earning enough money to lead a comfortable life then Nation should always be the first choice.

    those who do not think that they have a bright future in their national team will definitely prefer to play in IPL may be that's why the percentage is so high

    Also I have heard cricketers saying that playing for the country makes you feel proud and its the greatest feeling ever

    To be honest if I were a good cricketer I would have prefered to play for my national team but if I am not good enough to be in the team then I will think about my own future

    I hope these money-rich tournaments do not create a money being the be-all end-all of everything situation

  13. NO they are not. Everyone has a right to seek wealth and live happily.

    They have the talent, Some one else has the money and everyone is happy.

    Don't they live in a democracy?

  14. It is not just England. Everyone these days want money and more and more of it. Not just players. The head hunters are all after people offering them more for jobs they are good in.

    And if it is dangled in front of their nose, it is difficult to resist. Patriotism is OK and am sure they are all patriotic. But the all want more income. All do.

    Gone are those days when people gave up their lives and stayed hungry for it too.

    They are just human.

  15. No a days money has become most important than national pride for many people.  This applies not only to English men., but people from other countries as well.

  16. If you force someone to play for England by banning them from the Indian leagues, like them or not (I don't like them whatsoever), then they are not going to be in the right mentality to play for England and they will under perform.

    So if they want to play over there let them, there will be many more than adequate players, who are willing to represent the country and wear the shirt with pride, to replace them.

    I know I'd rather play for England and do my country proud than grab the IPL or ICL money.

  17. Absolutely. Greediness is in the blood of all Britishers. Just think about this - they came to India to do business and what did they end up doing? Garbed the whole nation!!!!

  18. Yes, every time I see a cricketer interviewed on TV, when the subject of the riches available through IPL comes up, they all want to play it. And if that is to the detriment of their international career, so be it.

    It appears money talks.

    But: you and I Kinney, are talking as people who will probably (almost definitely in my case - note the 'almost' - I like to have some optimism!) never play for our countries, so it is easy for us to sit back and say that they are more interested in money than representing their country.

    The question is this: If someone offered you more money for a few weeks work than you could earn in your career, would you say no to it?

    I would love to say that I would say no the money, but sadly, I would probably grasp it with both hands.

    I think what you are trying to say is that the money being offered is obscene. Surely there are better things for bored millionares to spend their cash on than a bunch of sportsmen?

    Fun no longer exists. Commercialism and consumerism have taken over the world.

  19. No offence Kinster but you also failed to mention that 93% of the people questioned think that Test Cricket should still be the premier game in World Cricket.

    Like you i was disgusted when i found out, but i wasnt suprised. I bet you 40% of the 45% who said they would consider playing in the ICL, are players with no international future, who need the money (so no suprise there). Again i think the statements have been taken out of context! By retiring early, i think it is hinting that players would retire just as there test careers are ending, NOT when they are in the prime! I mean retiring "prematurely" can mean anything!! it could mean retiring at 32, 35, 36!!

    My point is that i dont think any current England player would retire now to go and play in the IPL!, i believe by saying that they would retire "Prematurely" they are saying they would retire just when there test careers are finishing! (you see what i mean?)

    The current money being thrown at players is disgusting and an insult to people like me!! 1 game of mickey mouse T20 can earn a player so much these days!! its got to be tempting for a player, one game can ensure that him and his family will have enough money to last a life-time!! BUT i believe that the current England players have enough integrity (and brains) to not put there test careers in jeapordy!

    Playing test cricket for any young England player should be the priority! Like Alistair Cook said, he didnt grow up dreaming of playing T20 in India. He dreamed of playing test cricket for England!

    I believe there is a way, to play test cricket for your country and to earn some money in other competitions! Without the 2 clashing!! If a player plays test cricket for England whenever called upon! Then plays IPL when England arent playing! Well i believe that is ok! I dont believe they are greedy for doing that!

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