
Are Europeans more politically savvy than Americans?

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I recently made a 10 day trip to Europe, and if you believe them, Obama is already the president, if you mention mc cains name they have to pause a moment to figure out who that is.




  1. You should have mixed with a better class of European Scrooge.I no no-one here who would be unaware of that little S**t McCain and we wouldn't rule out another dodgy election either.

  2. The Europeans are the reason so many of our ancestors flooded into America. And have stayed. Just look at some of the bonehead leaders they have picked or put up with.

  3. Europeans are more politically mature, as they are in most other areas of life.

  4. Surely if they question who McCain is then they are savvy at all. Maybe a little slow thinking. Now if you want to see savvy politicians go down south. Southern politics and politicians are amazing sometimes.

  5. politics to americans are simple "red vs blue"

    europeans tend to look around at the whole world

  6. The Europeans are moribund as a society. They will be colonized by the Moslem, soon. They have no credibility.

  7. From what I have seen here, I'd have to say absoulutely not.  I never would have thought that subjects of the crown in the UK would be even lower than the French in many ways. But apparently, they are.

  8. hahaha...

    i guess not.

  9. yeah..most Europeans are gonna have a major "say what?" moment if McCain is elected Prez.

    but yeah,Europeans are a bit more politically savvy,we're kinda old hands at this kinda thing,doing it a lot longer than America and all that,a LOT longer.

  10. NOT so "politically savvy" when they have let their countries to be invaded by so many extremists...

  11. So what, according to the left wing media in America, Obama is already the president.  How is it any different in Europe?

  12. They probably realize the status quo is bad for the rest of the world

  13. if you only spent 10 days in europe you really do not know europe

  14. Europeans get there news feeds from places like CNN.  If that was all you saw, you would think that Obama beat Clinton in the election and is going to be the next president.  I guess that shows the bias of the news media in the US.

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