
Are Europeans truly abinos?

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I heard this from a friend of mine, then decided to read up on it. It says Africans had albinos and then began to distant themselves from their fare skinned offspring because of fear and lack of knowledge of this mutation, and the albinos migrated out of Africa and it was the start of the European race. So i read. Is this true? Im curious.




  1. *Looks in mirror*


  2. No.

  3. Reading the entirity of your question... LMAO

    The mutation that gives Europeans light skin is NOT related to albinism that you get in Africans, even though they can create a superficailly similar result in skin and eye colour.

    The Eurasians moved into Europe about 30,000 years ago(Humans left Africa about 90k ago or more). Although they'd have been darker skinned, they show a more or less standard Caucasian skull shape in most locations.

    Some mutations for red hair are over 80,000 and 40,000 years old, and are mostly found in Northern Europe. The first Europeans would have had the same kind of skin colour as modern arabs at that point, with some light coloured eyes, black, brown and red hair.

    About 10,000 years ago there was a mutation  that caused the pale skin in Europeans. About the same time was a mutation for blond hair, although other colours in Europeans seem a lot older, like brown and auburn. Hazel, grey and green eyes are a lot wider spread, and seem to be older mutations than for blue eyes, which is only about 8,000 years older, from Northern Europe also.

    The people that left Africa were black Africans, they just developed other colouring mutations along the way. Straight hair, light hair and eyes etc. They didn't flee Africa because they were albinos. LMAO.

    What c**p have you been reading?!

    The link explains the SLC24A5 gene that causes European skin colouring.

    Link explains the mutation on the OCA2 gene that causes blue eyes in Europeans

    Link about the blond hair mutation


    "You can't say for certain that Europeans aren't evolved albinos".

    Yes I can, we don't carry that mutation of the MCR1 gene as a rule. So, what's your explanation for jet black Andaman Asians then? If everyone who fled Africa was an albino, how did that happen?

    Before you ask, they are most closely related to other Asians, they aren't some late expansion by Africans.

    Edit again..

    "Albinos--The Origin of the Caucasian Race?"

    Saw it ages ago, laughed my b***s off then. That guy is a nuttier than a mad squirrel under a nut tree. And totally unsupported by ANY evidence.

  4. No.

    Albinos hav NO pigments; most Europeans have some, even much. (many Europeans hav darkish skin, and dark eyes)

    Your friend doesn't know what he's talking about.

  5. That is a rather strange theory of why there are white people by the way.  White people didn't evolve in Africa.  They evolved in Europe because it benefits them.  Less pigment in the skin means they can produce more vitamin D which is needed to absorb calcium so it is important.  The small amount of sun in the far north makes dark skinned people produce less than ideal amount of vitamin D.  Light skin in the south means you burn.  

    Whites are technically not albinos.  We would have pink eyes and be even whiter or pinker.

  6. I am not sure what the answer is.

    I am from Holland and I tan pretty dark. Whatever my ancestors were, I know that they originated in Africa. I believe it was more Africa----> Europe. I say this because alot of Northern Europeans have really long limbs and are very tall like subSaharan Africans mostly the Ethiopians and Sudanese people. I do not believe I am of Asian descent because my eyes are very big, and very round. Oriental people have slanted eyes that are long,narrow and almond shaped. Eyes that better suit East Asian climate.

    My eye shape is very round like some Horn African peoples' eyes, and so is my nose, and my cheek bones. So I think you do have a point in saying that people could have migrated from Africa, straight to Europe. Maybe Northern Europeans are first migration Africans, maybe we had to leave for health reasons (the pale skin color was too sensitive to the hot African sun). But I believe Dutch people and other Northern Europeans, like myself, stayed in Europe for hundreds of years. But  then a wave of  the black Ethiopians came over to the areas, and blended with us again, like  1700-1500 years ago. Making it where Dutch people can tan, and Swedes too. The blonde hair stayed  but the ability to get dark skin came back. That is why well tanned Northern Europeans can get skin as dark as the Habesha.

    People who are Irish, Scottish, English and German, cannot tan at all. Alot of people from the UK and Western Europe burn and peel in the sun. I do not  but they do. Maybe that's because they did not get  to re-blend with other Africans again. Maybe they mixed with  Asians and Middle Eastern people, or tribes which could not bring back the dark skin genes. They might have dark hair, but they get really bad sunburns.

    What might have started off as an albino in Holland, CHANGED when dark- skinned Africans had a back migration into Northern Europe. And they made it where we can tan easily without getting skin cancer.

    My family and I are can tan very well. We are have a very rich skin tone, darker than most Meditteranean people, darker than most everybody. I am the same color as my adopted black Eritrean cousin, and can get as black as Somali, Ethiopian, and Egyptian people. I know that black Ethiopians came back and blended with Dutch and Swede people.  Their black genes made tan genes for us. And that is how we have their eye shape and their body shapes, and hair texture. And that is why I can get to their color naturally. It's like a glass of milk, if you mix chocolate seasonings with it, it turns dark again. That is what happened with Dutch people. That is why people from Holland and Sweden also get along so well with Horn Africans.We never  have bad quarrels or anything like that because they mixed some of their  Habesha genes in us long ago. And all my friends from Holland, visited Djibouti and Horn Africa a while back and had so much fun. And the people there liked us too.  The people of Holland, and Sweden have always had a good relationship with Horn Africans, it came from mutual respect. When they came over 1700 years ago, the black Ethiopians did not try to colonize but they brought different foods over, and helped us during a bad time of deep snow and famine. And they settled with us and helped us build things, and get alot accomplished. I am very proud of my black Ethiopian ancestors, and my Dutch ancestors too. Together, they did great things. And no body is going to tell me otherwise.

    [edit] Pick my answer, it makes the most sense. And black Ethiopians did do alot of traveling as well as black Egyptians. They were seafaring people and had back migrations into Holland and Sweden and changed the gene pool to where we can tan, while other people on the same continent cannot.

  7. No, and true albinos have red eyes, the ones in Africa with blue eyes are not entirely albinos.

    And there's no "European" Race...

    There's more differences between White people and Black people besides hair color, eye color or skin color.

  8. stewart synopsis is a racist afrocentric website. the filth on that site is the black equivalent to n**i propoganda.

    if you realy care about anthropology then you should read some academic literature on the origins of different peoples, but if you are looking for something that makes you feel better about being black then stewartsynopsis is the place for you.

    a common misconception is that early humans were black africans, but you have to be thinking something like god made humans from scratch. our primate ancestors evolved in africa, and it's just that european genes are more varied and recently evolved, our earliest ancestors had more physical similarities with australian aborigines though. black africans have changed a bit inside africa from our earlier primate ancestors, whereas europeans have changed more. hope this helps you understand. :)

    ps read more about evolution from an academic source.

  9. No.

    Albinos do not have coloring in their hair, but Europeans do.

    Also, albinos do not have any coloring (which is why they have white hair), so they do not have variation from one to another.  Whites do.  Some are more pinkish, some more yellow or olive, etc.

    If albinos started inbreeding, they would not develop into the today's Europeans.  Albonis would not have melanin to pass on to future generations.

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