
Are FILIPINOS a good people?

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no Filipinos are allowed to answer this..




  1. what do you have against Filipinos? Don't generalize people you don't even know.

    And those people who generalize(I'm not saying it's the one who asked the question) and says all Filipinos/other nationality are blah blah bad stuff like that, I bet they haven't even talked to one or even know one! Doesn't even bother to look at  the history and see if it's true!

    FYI Iceland Beauty, Philippines have been conquered by Spaniards for over 300 years! So it's impossible they didn't leave their seed, you talk like you're smart. racist

  2. I'd imagine that they are a mix of good and bad people just like every other ethnicity out there.

    Besides, my friend went to the Philippines for 2 months, and I doubt she would've stayed there for that long if they weren't good people (I mean as a country, not all of them).  

  3. Remember to not generalize, especially when talking about countries. How would you like if people make stereotypes about your race or judge you based on that. I know great people from Philippiness.

  4. I think it's depends on individual. Generally, all Filipinos are friendly and they have a high self-ego. They're not much as team player at work. This is just my personal opinion though which I believe there's some quite hard working, too. Anyway, I have no problem working with them. I have many Filipinos co-workers and we get along.

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