
Are Ferrets decent pets ???

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Are Ferrets decent pets ???




  1. I have a ferret and I think he is great. While yes, they can be somewhat stinky there are several things that you can do. With mine I do the following...

    I use bio odor in his water bottle along with vitamins

    I use the White Ultra Carefresh bedding for his cage

    He is litter box trained

    Eats high quality ferret food

    Give him a bath once a month using a deodarizing ferret shampoo

    He is also descented which helps.

    Max is hilarious and loves to play around the house and if he has to go potty, he goes in his litterbox. He loves to play with the cats and the kids.  

  2. I used to have four ferrets at once, and I absolutely loved them all.  They have great personalities, a high level of curiosity, and an explicit need to get into mischief.  

    That being said, ferrets are not for everyone.  They have a distinct, musty odor, which I never found altogether unpleasant.  It's just different.  If you don't empty their litter boxes, however, you could have some serious odor problems, just like with other pets.  

    They are pretty good about using their litter boxes and sleep 18 hours a day.  So they do fine if left alone for long periods of time, but definitely need to get in more than an hour of free time out of their cage every day.  

    They eat when they feel like it and never get fat from overeating, so it's fine to leave them with an unmeasured amount of food.

    So yes, they're great pets, but any pet requires work.  

    Ferrets just happen to be soft, cuddly, playful, squirmy, cute, and crazy all at once :)  

  3. I've never owned one, but friends and family have.  I've been told they are very stinky and need constant attention.  I always thought they were cute, but I'd never own one.

  4. They are a lot of work. They have a musky smell to them, most think they stink. You need to clean their litter box 2 times a day, their bedding 1-2 times a week, change food and water every day. They need rabies and distemper shots yearly.

    On average expect to start out spending $500 just to get the supplies, a cage, and one ferret. It is best to get 2 ferrets because they are social group animals.

    Average costs:

    Ferret - $130

    Good cage - $100-$300

    Good food - $20 for 4 lb. bag

    Toys - $30

    Vitamins (ferretone, ferrelax, ferrevite) - $25

    Bedding - $15

    Hammocks and sleepers - $30

    Shots + check up - $150

    They are also prone to many diseases when they hit age 2-3 and up. You will need to have an emergency fund of atleast $1,000. Many people spend upto $3,000 on one ferret alone per year.

    Ferrets require a minimum of 3 hours of pure playtime/exercise. They are not caged animals! They are just like a cat or dog (responsibility wise) and need the same attention if not more.

    It is a lot of work and they are expensive. Please do your research first if you want one, contact me if you need anything else!

  5. No, not at all.  They are ugly, smell, and can be very mean!

  6. Ferrets can be *wonderful* pets, if you take the time to learn about them and know what you are getting into. In addition to the cost of the ferret and the necessary food, toys, medical care, cage, etc, there are a lot of other things involved in ferret care. Ferret-proofing is a major endeavor. Ferrets can get into any hole that is large enough for their head to fit into. So you have to go around and make sure all holes are covered. As curious as they are, they will get into and knock over things. Glasses of liquids seem especially interesting to them. I can't tell you the number of things I have had ruined because a ferret decided to look into a glass I had just sitting there.  A common mistake I make is getting a drink of water, then falling asleep with the water nearby. Many is the time I have been woken up by a sudden drenching as the ferret tries to look into the glass and ends up knocking it over on me.

    If you are interested in ferret ownership, please learn everything you can about ferret first. A good resource is the Ferret FAQ:  and the Ferret Mailing List (FML) - see the Ferret FAQ for instructions on joining it.

    Despite all their difficulties, I could never be ferretless. They are such wonderful animals and I love each and every one of them. Gingersnap, my oldest and most ill fuzzy, just has to climb in bed with me every night, grooming my arm and nuzzling up against me to fall asleep. Such a sweety.

  7. i like them!

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