
Are Filipinos really immune against AIDS?

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According to the article, doctors and scientists are stumped over the paradox as to why Filipinos have an almost non-existent rate of AIDS especially since condoms and contraception is virtually shunned.

Whats even more perplexing is that 11% of their population work and travel abroad and they are scattered all around the world and return once in a while which makes them really susceptible to epidemics...

Many countries have big AIDS epidemics yet the Philippines is an anomaly since the rate of AIDS is soo low its dismissible.




  1. no ethnic group is immune to aids

  2. well anytime a scientist researches and writes an article about it then it must be true. i know that filipinos have good hygeine.

  3. That is  A LIE!!

    Anyone could get AIDS.

  4. no

    the country's population is just very lucky

  5. This is a very dangerous perceptions. It wil lead to more Filipinos down with AIDS. Aren't Filipinos human too ?

  6. No one is immune to aids... not even Animals... Whoever wrote this must be loving behind the moon

  7. nope.

  8. maybe scientists should just have em P***k monkeys and find out lol

    lol, bad-word filter =D

  9. because of frequent cleansing brought about by floods, typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, droughts....ok?

  10. nope filipinos aren't immune to aids theyre just not that sexually active and theyre just carful to whom they have s*x with

  11. No one is immune, filipinos are generally very careful who they sleep with. Those who engage in s*x with foreigners also prefer to use condoms so that combined with their attitude to it all really helps keep the infected rate so low. Japan beats everyone though!

  12. maybe.. because none of them are really tested for HIV/AIDS. You might be surpsrise, how many of them dont really go to the doctor for just a regular check up.

  13. The low percentage of reported AIDS cases may be due to the fact that some of those inflicted with the disease do not report to the Health Department.  As one answerer said to a question: "they just lie there and they die there."  Second, most s*x workers are now extra careful and take all necessary precautions against the possibility of contracting the disease.  And third, maybe most of those afflicted have already died thereby lessening the rate to some degree.

  14. no i doubt if if they are human they can also recieve it, but they are probably safer, than most which is really good to know.

  15. No....Are they ?!

  16. because filipinos are naive and conservative that holding hands is enough to consummate s*x

  17. no.

    the reason why the experts assumed that philippines has almost non-existent rate of AIDS because they were looking at the wrong record.

    with our very poor health program in the philippines, i don't think that we have all that accurate database of AIDS cases in the country.

    figures and statistics, sometimes, doesn't tell the REAL truth.

    ask garci.

  18. 1. there's no immunity to aids as yet - for anyone

    2. the findings of the study maybe inconclusive due to faulty statistics

  19. Filipino Pride!!! I definitely know the answer to this! Since most Filipinos are dedicated Catholics, we stick with the no s*x till Marriage rule. This pretty much means that most Filipinos are virgins till we get married. So there's no chance of ever getting AIDS that way. Smart move Filipinos!

  20. Then how come I have AIDS? Lol..

    Of course not, Filipinos are not immune to it.. They're just lucky! Lol! :D

  21. Not the case in the protitutes that serve the military.

    And you need help cause its called Aquired immune deficiency syndrom and all humans are able to cary it and

    catch it in the same contact ways worlldwide

    no one group is immune its a human immune disease.

    This was said in africa annow 40 percent of the whole continents people are infected headed for 100 %

    thats why africa was targeted as the place to help with our

    left over drug exchange Clinton started it in 1998.

    This might be the reason the 100 % mark was not reached in africa the whole fricking continent population was being

    or coming into contact and the women where the spreadrs

    after the men passed it to them so no one is immune.

    get real. cheers PI has it and Black Syph too

    Ive been there and guys in my squad caught it from the

    service girls on the streets there and so pretty much all the

    hookers in alongpo **** river city carry it. for sure.

    These guys get discharged and die in a few years after contraction. Not cheerfull

  22. I don't think anyone is immune to AIDS....maybe they are just smart and don't do things with people that have aids....or stds and whatever.

  23. maybe they have a low g*y people rate lol

  24. yes coz we are from another planet.

  25. Maybe they're just careful who they have s*x with.

  26. This just proves my theory.

    We have special genes.

    Either that, or the theory of a parallel Universe existing alongside ours, in the vicinity of Mount Makiling where the enchantress Maria resides, has basis in fact.   They work their magic on us, being their chosen people.

  27. There are no immunity against AIDS, It's just Filipinos are mostly  religious people and they have moral values.

  28. May be Filipinos are not as promiscuous other people around the world. i don't really no much and never ever really heard about that before. also may be theres low drug rates in the Philippines as in injected drug as heroin and some froms of meth aids can be contract from that to

  29. No race is immune from AIDS.

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