
Are FireWire Surfboards as good as they say?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys, I'm an advanced surfer on the border of sponsorship, so a better board can make all the difference. My tricks include 360 aerials, 360's, snaps, cutbacks, laybacks, floaters, etc, etc. I am currently riding a custom open cell epoxy board from my local shaper Mike Doyle. (former world champion) My board is 4 pounds, 5'10, and is great. HOWEVER, my recent airs are taking a toll on my board even though it is epoxy. Is FireWire as great as I've been hearing or is it just good advertising?




  1. uhm...sounds like you should be making your own decisions on this one since you are SO ADVANCED buddy...never even heard of the boards you are speaking of.

  2. ya

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