
Are Fireworks Fun or Dangerous?

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  1. Fireworks are extremely fun. They can be dangerous though. Some firecrackers couldn't hurt you even if you held them in your hand. Some would hurt a lot if you held, but you would be fine. And some can remove fingers from hands. They can be enjoyable but don't let small children or irresponsible teens use them without supervision. Preparing for July 4th?

  2. fireworks are both fun and dangerous.  stay sober and have fun lighting fireworks off.

  3. psht fireworks are awesome

    they can be dangerous like if you get to close to them while lighting.

    or you have a really crappy one and it doesnt go off right.

  4. fun but  also can be dangerous

    but more fun than danger

  5. They are fun and dangerous ....... fun for people who are safe and handle them correctly ........ dangerous for people alter them or who do not handle them properly ....... = )

  6. i love fireworks, although they can be dangerous if you are being an idiot with them, some are also illegal in some states, so be sure to check your local laws... my advice would be to just be careful

  7. I'm not that into fire but I love to watch fireworks.  I'm not the one to be setting them off, I leave that to my brother and his friends.  Yeah they can be dangerous, but who cares live a little.

  8. Both. I go down to Mexico to set off fireworks and I buy them down there. So they are really dangerous. Build a fire then through all your bottle rocket in it then to finish it off throw a M80 in there and run!!

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