
Are French people a minority in Paris?

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By French I mean Native-French




  1. Naturalized immigrants ARE French people!! Your question is racist!

    And in France it's illegal to make statistics on ethnos groups, (there is the French -native or immigrants- and the foreigners, you can't separate French people by their origin!) so you will never have an answer to your question.

  2. u r joking right?

  3. I wouldn't think so.

  4. Where in Paris were you staying? It seems rather an astonishing statement that European French seemed a minority to you.

    The Non-European French population of Paris proper is no more than about 15%.

    However, there have been several studies done that show that whites tend to vastly overestimate the percentage of non-whites in any situation.  Perhaps this is the source of your incorrect understanding.

    EDIT: The answer given is to relfect the nature of the question.

    I say European because there is no other reasonable distinction to be made in attempting to answer your question.

    How can you tell on sight (as you apparently claim to be able to do) who is "Native French" if you mean only born in France or not born in France. Did you interview most of the people you saw and inquire as to their birthplace?

    If you mean only "not born in France' then it is simply impossible that you could actually believe that a majority of the people in Paris were not born in France.

    The studies done were done by respected academics and are FACT. Got that? What is racist is the fact that whites overestimate the percentage of non-whites in any situation.

    Its evident that your question is racist and the responses you are getting reinforce that conclusion.

  5. um. no

  6. How on earth would you know if people are native French or not?  Most people I saw on my four trips there were caucasian, if that is what you're really asking.

  7. Only if Paris was located on the US Mexico border

  8. No. it has many people from different cultures but French is the dominant language...

    Take care..

    Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

  9. Yeah if you don't consider the naturalized Blacks and Arabs French.

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