
Are French people cultural closer to the Germans or to the English?

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Are French people cultural closer to the Germans or to the English?




  1. NEITHER !

  2. I don't think any French man or woman would accept the idea of being culturally close to either of those countries!  And they have either a recent or historic animosity towards both.  WWII is still fresh in the minds of many French people, so there is some ill will towards Germany.  Over the centuries, the French and the English have fought over their boundaries and land.  And of course the French hold their language in high regard, so that link is not there, either.

  3. If we really have to choose, maybe closer of germans...

    But us French people (especially those whose grand parents did WW2) don't like a lot to have similarities with germans.

    We are an exception on a lot of things, so why not on culture too??

    But it's undeniable that we know more English music or cinema. Maybe because german do less things?? I'm not sure.

    But you know, for us, nothing like french music and cinema...

    We're just a bit chauvunistic!!

    (I hope my english is good enough to make me understood!)

    Blandichette: do you know if this book has been translated in french??? I'd be happy to find it and to read it, it must be a good way to make a self critique (auto critique in french) and to laugh a little!!!

  4. Why are your choices German or English?  I don't believe that the French are like either of these two cultural groups.  Maybe more like the culture of the people in Belgium.

  5. Definitley German. Hairy Arm Pits, Funny Food, Strange Accents and also the French fell at their feet during WW2 so I suppose they have a good relationship too!!!

  6. Ah ah ah !!!

    None of them !

    French are special and we are still a mistery for all the other nationalities around the world.

    If you would like to understand a little more about French I would recommand you a book called "Sixty Million Frenchmen can't be wrong !"

    It is a really good book wrote by two canadian reporters and it explain really well how french people are and all the differencies between American, Canadian, English and French.

    Cheerio !

    Hiya Mnemosyne,

    Yes this book is also available in French.

    Look for "Pas si Fous ces Francais".

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