
Are GM foods the way to go for Africa?

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Are GM foods as evil as some make them out to be, or are they the cornucopia that others make them out to be? What are the risks and will the African subsistance farmer benefit in the long run?

PS Are GM crop seeds sterile, thus forcing the farmer to keep buying from the seed company? I was told this but I do not know whether this be true or not.




  1. I don't think they are the way forward for anybody, there really is no sane reason for manipulating nature like this we are just storing up problems for future generations.

  2. no, they are actually good for countries like china with 1.5 billion of people. not for namibia and botswana with less than 2 million of people

  3. Lol Honey I have to go with Darth Vader on this one,and also it's not been proven as good.xxxx

  4. The thing with GM food is that it can grow in extreme conditions. It is manipulated to have minimum water supply or to grow in water rich areas where other crops will drown. It is a way to go for some African country's. As long as Africa sees this as evil we will have continuous starvation.

  5. The big issue with GM crops is that the seeds are patented. This means you cannot under patent laws harvest seeds from your present crop to plant your next crop. This is illegal under the international patent laws concerning seeds. For this reason farmers have to buy under contract, new seeds each year from the seed companies or they cannot get it. Poor farmers cannot afford to enter such contracts and therefore cannot use these seeds. The ones that does so, have the burden of paying for several years a very expensive price to these companies.

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