
Are GOP leaders discussing whether Palin should be dropped ?

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Should they be?




  1. If the party bosses plan on doing so, the sooner the better.  It will not bode well for McSame & Company to drop Palin in such short time before the general election.  McSame's inability to keep his own "house" in order would be a reflection of how he would govern in the Oval Office.

    Honestly, though, I would prefer they keep her on.  The longer Palin remains on the ticket, the more embarrassing it is for the GOP as it continues to expose their hypocrisy for all of the criticism they have given Obama, only to choose a figurehead who is even less "qualified."

  2. Not in public. Republicans that I know are talking about it.

  3. No and No.   Palin is loved???  You won't see that on CNN. The media polls will never reflect the truth. Republicans will win.

    Remember the last 2 elections? The dems were always ahead in the polls, up until the election even, and during the exit polls even.  But the Republicans won over the dems each time. You just get spoon fed  bad information....

  4. The former Mayor of Tiny Town, AK now has her picture splashed on the tabloids. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside that this woman can confront terrorists and knock Britney Spears out of the news at the same time.

    You better believe they're talking about it. Listening to them explain her credentials is an insult to thinking Americans

  5. You wish. Sorry sucker. She'll be elected along with McCain.

  6. Not only GOP. Serious people know that Palin will never ever, under any circumstances be in white house. Washington will rather create a small 'car accident' than let Palin into Washington.. This is where two parties agreed behind the scene. 'Red button' in hands of 'hockey mom' ? You must be kidding me...

  7. this is c**p.  If Rupublicans fold after one freaking weekend of liberal whining then they deserve to lose.  This Republican would be digging in.  In spite of the liberal media doing what ever they can to destroy a woman, they are sure giving a pass to a racist with criminal and terrorist ties. The more they attack Palin the less support they will get out of me.  This will become a war...make no mistake.  

  8. the only thing dropping will be the pile of whoop-a@@ that Hurricane Sarah will unleash.

  9. yes  so is everyone..including odds makers

  10. No and no...simple answer...

  11. All of the personal attacks show that the DNC is worried about the vote pulling ability of Palin. If I were McCain there is NO WAY I would drop her.

    Also notice no one is talking about Obama, he is not happy about that fact.

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