
Are Garter snakes harmful?

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I live in NH and i found a yellow and black snake. I looked it up and found that it was a garter snake. Do they bite and are they harmful? can they be picked up and ramoved or is it good to have them around? I dont know.




  1. No their not harmful i have been bitten alot by garter snakes.

    Ha my cousin was with me and he caught one and he held it up to his nose and it was flicking its toung at his nose and hes like "All hes kissing me" and that thing just launched at his nose and locked on to him i laughed my *** off.

  2. They can bite but they are not harmful!! It is just out minding it's business leave it be..

  3. They are actually pretty good to have around. They are NOT venomous at all. They don't even bite very often. I used to handle them all the time as a kid.

    They eat small pests like mice.

  4. no they're not harmful and if they do bite i highly doubt it would hurt, their teeth are like velcro. and its good to have them they eat pests =]

  5. Don't know if there are slugs in NH but there are lots of slugs in Washington and the garter snakes eat them so we like having them around.

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