
Are g*y Christians accepted among their peers, and are the same included in scripture.?

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Are g*y Christians accepted among their peers, and are the same included in scripture.?




  1. No, they send them to "reorientation" camps.

  2. Many churches have come to accept homosexuals into their congregations and even allowing them to preach the Gospel, most famously the Metropolitan Community Church, as well as the United Church of Christ and the Anglican communion, and many others. Some Christians see as being g*y and Christian as perfectly okay.

    But the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality:

    Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

    Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

    1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

    Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

    The Bible says that in marriage, it is a man and a woman, and they are one. The relationships of conjugal love are to be between man and woman only. Homosexuality, therefore, is a sin, and support comes from the verses above.

    But, again, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). When our hearts lust, we have already committed adultery. Through Christ, though, we are forgiven and our sins are washed away.

    A Christian struggling with homosexuality is on the same level as an alcoholic Christian. They both have to overcome the struggle they are dealing with through Christ. Christ can overcome all sin and the Devil himself.

  3. Homesexuality is NOT exceptable to the Creator.  I'm not being hateful.  I've had the same lust.  BUT, I don't particpate, for wanting to NOT burn forever. I'm not spreading hate.  I have relatives who are g*y.  But the word says what it says, AND we have no FURTHER word to change that, that is from the Creator , himself.  Anyone, g*y, can make it to paradise, as long as NOT activily participating in actions.

  4. Only the repentant ones.  

  5. I don't know about the g**s in Scripture, but I know that most modern Christians do not "accept" g**s. However, I am a Christian, and I believe you can be g*y and still be a Christian. It is a sin just like murder or theft. God can forgive this sin as well. I do think that a Christian who is g*y should be trying to get free from this sin though.

  6. there is no such thing as a g*y christian, ppl use the word christian loosly.....

  7. g**s are not Christians.

    To be a Christian you have admit you are a sinner.

    g**s are one class of people who deny their sin is sin.

    The Bible tells us g**s won't be admitted to the Kingdom of God.

    It says the same thing for liars, and adulterers and thieves and murderers too.

  8. "WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not parish but have everlasting life" John 3:16

  9. There's no such thing as a g*y Christian.. God bless you !

  10. A g*y Christian?  Come on!!!  There's no such thing.

  11. g*y Christian no such thing Christians are not abominations in the face of the God as homosexuals are as stated in lev 18:22

    to say g*y Christian is the same as saying righteous sin

    no such thing

  12. If you read the Old Testament (Lev. 18:22, Lev. 20:13) then you'll find certain passages stating that homosexuals are abominations.

    However, these admonitions are primarily listed in Leviticus, which was meant to be a list of requirements for cleanliness and ritual purity. This same book says that people cannot eat pork (Lev. 11:6-8) and that when a woman is menstruating, she is unclean for seven days, and that anyone  who touches her is unclean until the evening (Lev. 15:19).

    I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to guide us back to God. He saw how people were making a complete mess of worshiping God, and he wanted to change that. There are several instances where he corrected previous statements in the Bible, such as when he stated that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, meaning that it wasn't strictly necessary to obey the exact codes set forth in the Old Testament (Mk 2:27).

    I believe that Jesus loved everyone, and that all he was truly concerned with was whether or not someone believed in God. If you believe in God, if you believe that Jesus Christ was God made flesh, you are a Christian. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Jesus challenged convention. He challenged the teachers, the rabbis, those who claimed they were righteous people. He was crucified for it, because people refused to believe that perhaps they were wrong in what they believed and "knew" to be true. The problem with religion is that very often, the followers forget what they're supposed to be following. Jesus never discussed the topic of homosexuality. If, as all Christians do, you believe that Jesus is God made flesh, then there's your answer. It's not His fault that those who claim to follow him have invented their own standards.

    For the record, I am a Christian, and I am a L*****n. I don't think God has any problem with this. I think the fact that I am a L*****n matters to him about as much as the fact that I am five feet, seven inches tall, or that I am right-handed. He made me this way. And He loves me.

    If you'd like a Bible passage that I think rightly puts the aforementioned Leviticus passages in perspective, and teaches us not to judge, I'd recommend reading chapter 14 of Romans. "I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; still, it is unclean for someone who thinks it unclean" (Romans 14:14)

  13. Paul deal with the issue of how Christian should handle homosexuals (and other "sinners") in 1 Corinthians 6

    9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexuals 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

    He taught that homosexuality, like any sin, can be forgiven and cleansed from a person's life.  They are welcome to come into the church, learn about Christ, come to a saving faith in him, and then be washed from that sin by him.

  14. Depends on what areas they're in and which peers they're trying to find. Universal Unitarians are pretty cool.

    Paul says they deserve death, so I don't know why any bother.

    Edit: And yes, the rest put them through "reparative therapy" and insist on a lifestyle of strict denial that leads to their being terribly screwed up and unhappy. Ted Haggard is the poster child.

    Edit again: Have you figured out the "not accepted" part of your question now? ;)

  15. I accept them. It is a barbaric "idea" that being g*y is a sin. I do not believe that God would punish a person for being g*y. I think that g*y people are born, and if that is so then that is how God created them. How can that be wrong?

  16. If your g*y your not Christian, they go to g*y churches.  

  17. People who condemn g*y and L*****n folk are misinterpreting the Bible, just as hairbrained people misapplied the Bible to "prove" the goodness of slavery 150 years ago, by quoting "slaves obey your masters" from the apostles Peter and Paul.

    It isn't wrong to be g*y. Modern, equal, loving, same-s*x relationships are not what the Bible was referring to in those ancient days.

    The Bible was written for people in a definite historical *context*, and has to be understood in that light.

    What the Biblical writers were upset about were boys being abducted and sold into sexual slavery (that's what "arsenokoites" means in 1 Corinthians 6:9). So yeah, Paul was saying that guys who steal boys and sell the boys into sexual slavery cannot enter God's kingdom in that horrific pattern of life. But that is not talking about modern, equal, faithful same-s*x partnerships: it's talking about abduction, rape and prostitution of boys.

    The biblical writers were also against the freed, Hebrew men using another free, Hebrew man to sexually dominate him in servitude (Leviticus 18 and 20). That only makes sense if you consider they had just been released from slavery in Egypt. The passage explicitly says not just "Man shall not lie with man" but goes on to say, "as with a woman", that is, dominating another man in servitude as women were treated then. But again, that is not talking about a modern, same s*x relationship.

    Paul the apostle also in Romans 1 uses the Cybele cult of his day as an example of the horrors of idolatry. Rejecting the teaching of their own philosophers that God was an invisible Deity, the people of Corinth and Rome instead began worshiping the mother goddess Cybele using her idols of women, lions and serpents.

    Her priests castrated themselves (!), wore women's clothing and played the part of women in ritual temple prostitution. Even the women likewise were fitted with artificial phalli and played the part of men in this temple prostitution to Cybele.

    I don't think those are good things either! lol

    In other words, the Biblical authors had good reason to write what they did in that context, and I'm sure that reflected God's will that his people not fall into domination of others, predation against boys, bodily mutilation, and worship of false gods.

    But that is as different from a modern, loving, faithful g*y couple as night and day.

    So, many religious people are not Bible scholars, don't know the original language or the history, and are simply misled by bigoted tradition and ignorance. They mean well I suppose, but they are mistaken and are themselves falling into the terrible trap of judging and condemning others.

    Being g*y has no bearing on our standing in Christ, for Paul in Galatians 3:28 clearly says that in Him, there is no "male and female".  He is there quotiing Genesis 1:27, only to sweep it aside as irrelevent to salvation or our identity in Jesus Christ.

    Sensible churches like Lutherans, Episcopalians and United Church of Christ realize this reality and embrace same-s*x couples; others are still working on it; maybe they have slaves in the basement too.

  18. It amazes me that some people choose to deny reality because they which to uphold some well meaning, but logically inaccurate idea. I'm referring to the several contributors to this particular question who dismiss, out of hand, that there are no such thing as "g*y Christians."

    Before I get to my harangue I will answer the original question first. Among my own friends, my peers as it were, yes we accept each other as brothers. I have a good friend from college who is g*y and loves and trusts in God very much. We do disagree on some points, but generally we find our faith to be a source of support and strength. As to the second part of the question, I'm un-clear as to what it is trying to get at. I will assume that Eliaas means do those same peers accept scripture. Yes, but not with a fundamentalist or literal adhearence.

    Now on to my harangue. I understand why some feel that there can be no such thing as "g*y Christians." Obviously the position of thsoe making such a claim presuppose that the heerosexual condition is somehow the very essence of the human and at the very center of the mature human personality. As such, they assume that heterosexuality is the biologic norm, and that unless interfered with all individuals are heterosexual. They would argue, therefore, that "gayness" is a psychological and/or spiritual defect. In other words it is something that is against natural law.

    Although I disagree with this opinion, my objection to the thought that there are no "g*y Christians" goes against the "intentionality" of such a comment. For argument sake, let us grant that homo-genital acts are against the natural law and therefore sinful. However, there are those persons who are, as one might say, "born again" Christians who are trying to live according to the moral norm. They lead single, chaste lives free of homo-genital activity. Nevertheless, like every human person, they are subject to concupiscence, or the desire and attraction to sin. Theire "cross," as it were, is their same s*x orientation. Therefore they still have a homosexual orientation and would be considered "g*y." Evenso, they are also a Christian who "takes every thought captive to the obdience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10: 4-5) and attempt to live lives in harmony with Gospel values. To outright dismiss this posibility is, in my opinion, short-sighted.

  19. Look at the first three answers, and you'll see that answer is "no." A truly depressing sight in my eyes.

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