
Are Genital Warts Bad??

by  |  earlier

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Like, do they cause disease or anything?




  1. Genital warts is a disease, and yes they are bad. Theres no cure and they can lead to cancer.

    Try google to find out some more information on this, sounds like you could use a little education!

  2. yep, mucho bad. you definetly need to see a doc to get them taken care of. Don't take any chances, it would be hella messed up to pass them to someone else. Good luck.

  3. yes

  4. If you mean are they serious then not particularly but the serious thing is you can pass them on to others, so get clean and wear a condom.


  5. ew.

  6. I am a CCMA

    Genital warts are HPV yes they are bad

    Have you or the person you are talking about been to the doctor ???

    It causes Reproductive issues and cancer

    Oh FYI you asked if they cause a disease


  7. I'd say so. They are actually a virus that you can spread to other people. And the only way to get rid of them is to have them painfully removed by a surgeon. They use liquid nitrogen

  8. well i can you tell you one thing : they aren't good

  9. genital warts are a disease and you should get checked if you think you could have them.


  10. Some of the viral strains that cause genital warts have been linked to cancer.

  11. lol, I dont think warts on your genitalia can be a GOOD thing. But in women hpv can cause cervical cancer if it's not treated.

    Definately can't be good for your s*x life. Haha.  

  12. They're not desirable and a sign of Herpes, HPV, etc.  I would certainly just say no to s*x with anyone displaying STD symptoms past or present because it indicates indiscretion and other benchmarks of carelessness.  Just too many healthy possibilities out there to take a chance.

  13. they can't be good

  14. My sister has them, there not bad. Its an std but they cant cause disease or do anything fatal to your body. this is the reason why therer is no cure for them. The doctors dont find a need to make a cure for them b/c they dont do anything life threatening to you like other diseases. (cancer and that stuff) The only thing is its uncomfortable and may cause you to be depressed, alot of ppl have to so i wouldnt be to worried. You can get medicine for it so it doesnt flare up and so you wont get break outs but it still can me transmitted to other ppl but as far as giving you diseases you have nothing to worry about :) hope i helped

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