
Are Gerhard Schröder and Frank-Walter Steinmeier Russia's "fifth column" in Germany?

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The whole SDP seems so, doesn't it?

I mean, with Schröder on Gazprom's Board of Executives, and both him and Steinmeier basically vetoed EU sanctions on Russia (which the vast majority of EU members wanted) for the invasion of Georgia...

I bet if Russian tanks were in Berlin again, those two would be the first to hoist Vladimir Putin's photos up everywhere!




  1. Who is Gerhard Schröder? And the Russian president is no longer Vladimir Putin.

    Are you sure you're not talking about our chancellerine, Angela Merkel? Born and raised in the East, I think she would be the one to have Russian flags hoisted all around Germany. Under her legislation, and people like Steinmeier, or Wolfgang Schäuble, we have been deprived of imprtant constitutional rights, such as freedom of speech, and this country moves on to a surveillance state we thought we had overcome.

    Btw, what about Josef "Joschka" Fischer? Isn't he in America any more? Bloody liar that he is.

  2. Well first of all: Gerhard Schroeder is the former leader of Germany - and yes he works for Gazprom. No major country in Europe asked for sanctions since sanctions never work. The US fails in Cuba - we all fail in Iran. So we need to talk seriously.

    By the way: Gerhards SChroeders government was right on the war against Iraq. Russia and the world would take the US more seriously - without our invasion of Iraq. What has the US done so far in Georgia?

  3. "vetoed EU sanctions on Russia (which the vast majority of EU members wanted)"

    Majority only if you count eastern European countries, such as tiny Baltic states.

  4. It seems you have got many things wrong. Schröder is a private person today and no more in politics (apart from the fact that he does express his opinion sometimes) so that he has no say whatever in the EU. And Steinmeier took part in the EU meeting but by no means decided the outcome on his own, there are a lot of countries in the EU who do not want sanctions against Russia.

    And you are aware of the fact that Georgia itself started the war, aren't you? Russia did just react, and indeed over-react, but you cannot blame Russia alone. If sanctions were called for, both Georgia and Russia would have to be sanctioned.

    Please get your facts straight before distributing nonsense statements.

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