
Are German Airports "safe" today? With the scare in Scotland, have you heard anything about Germany

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Are German Airports "safe" today? With the scare in Scotland, have you heard anything about Germany




  1. Yes the Airports are safe here in Germany, the security is  very good.

    I just hope everything will be OK in Germany or somewhere else. I don't like that what's going on right now.

  2. Yes it is... i never even heard about the Philippines.. whats more with Germany.. It is really safe there...

  3. I was in the German airport 4 months ago with my son and they are so secure and safe that it will ware you out.They check every body everything and anything.Nobody can get pass them with any weapon at all.

  4. I think all the airports have high security measures, till now, I didn´t hear anything about any incident in Germany.

  5. yes, of course... but if some "scare" has to happen somewhere, it will happen, althrough all the safe measures.

  6. The airports are really safe. You don't need to have any trouble if you plan to depart / arrive at an German airport. The officers are friendly, but also very strict. Only the airports in Israel were more safer in my eyes.

  7. Yes, the airports in Germany are very safe.  The security is good.  I have travelled by plane in and out of Germany a few times in the last 2 years and have never felt unsafe.  The occassional long lines to check in for your flight can be rather annoying, but it's worth it for your safety!

  8. i have been at germany last year at hammbog its the best secrety i ever seen

  9. You should know that any airport, anywhere in the world can be hit regardless of security. So really, we're looking at precautions taken by security forces at each airport. I fly into Frankfurt at least once per month and can say that it is very safe. German airports, and Frankfurt in particular, learned many security lessons during the 70s, 80s and early 90s when the country had a significant homegrown terrorist problem. So far, knock on wood, the security forces have been successful in preventing attacks. I would not hesitate to fly into any German airport.

  10. Hi sorry to interupt but ou answered my q. aboiut two months ago about a hermit crab and I just wanted to thank you. The first one did in fact die.I thought the second one died monday...Then I remember what you had said right before we burried him. He is molting right now...its quiute intersting!!I just wanted to thank you for "saving"  my crabs life.

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