
Are German people generally short?

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Are they small and swift type?




  1. well i think not.. i know alot of tall ppl and i'm 5'10"

    i realized, that usa have alot of short ppl

  2. German peoples heights are as varied as any other European country.

  3. My ancestry is German.  Both of my parents were born in Switzerland.  I don't think that Germans are particularly shorter than most.  Due to the cold climates in the mountains of Switzerland, they are often well-built and strong.

  4. Are Americans generally fat?  How can you pose generalized questions?  Germans, like Americans, are tall--and short.  They are fat, and thin.  Fast and slow.  Dumb and smart.  Is the typical American ... You fill in the blank.

  5. My husband is 1,96 and my daughter 1,82 metres.  The family on the in-laws side is generally much shorter, around 1,74 metre.

  6. Mostly 1 meter and 68 centimeters.

  7. No.

  8. They are generally tall  and good bodies, maybe you have not been there, but havent see at least movies?

  9. No, most of the ones I've seen are pretty tall.

  10. No, they are among the tallest people in the world.

    The average height is 165 cm (5 ft 4.9 in) for women and 178.1 cm (5 ft 10 in ) for men.

    The only people who are taller on average are Eastern Europeans, Scandinavians and the Dutch.

  11. NO WAY!!! Germans are tall!!! I'm 5'6, thin and slender. I was advised not to go to Germany. I might feel insecure because people are so tall. They are candidates to be models.

  12. Hi, I'm German.

    I'm small, slim, swift, dark-haired and brown-eyed. Not the kind of German you imagined, ey? Never mind; most people in foreign countries mistake me for an Italian or a Spanish.

    But, let's get serious.

    There is no such thing as a "German race", or a "German phenotype". Have a look at the map: Germany is located in the heart of Europe, and during centuries, there have been migrations of whole nations throgh this territory, just think of the migration of the Goths. Do you mean, er, how do I say that? -- I mean, don't you think, populations haven't intermingled during all these times? I mean, didn't an Ostrogoth male have occasional s*x with a Visigoth woman, and vice versa? Or didn't American G.I.s occasionally fraternize with German women after WWII?

    That's all in our "genetic pool", so there's no way to tell what a German really is. People use to get friends when they get together, and we'll add more to that genetic reservoir in generations to come, as the Slavic inbreed from the former "communist block" start joining us. One or two generations ahead, there will be no more debate about a person's appearance, or nation, or religion. At least that's what I hope.

  13. Most girls I know from school or in my family are about 5'7'', some shorter some taller. Boys are usually taller than girls - but it's like that everywhere else.

    But where Germans mixed with other peoples things change.

    But you could say that Germans are among the taller in Europe.

  14. Mexicans are short.

  15. Wow-my husband is German and him and his family are all tall and slender.

  16. NO!! Germans are usually taller than everyone else... perhaps Russians and Scandinavians excluded. But nevertheless we can be very swift... ;)

  17. The answer is NO. I live in Germany and I wouldn't say they were like Shaq and the Asian basketball player but, they are an average of 5'8 and slim (they walk a lot and bike a lot).

  18. No....they are all sizes and shapes like in the US.  Seems the younger crowd is living in McDonalds though...(gettin large)  They have fast and slow however I have not found on that we play soccer against that is faster than me....but smart.(in soccer)  This only goes for people that are 22 and older...everyone younger has a lost in interest except for eating and sittin around talking....seems to me anyways...i know this is not true in other areas of Germany.And I have to disagree....yes there are ''mixed breeds'' in Germany however most typical germans are what you expect (white with blondish hair and blue eyes)  however they are on the endangered species list because many outsiders have come to germany to either A. Make a profitable living or B.  Live off their welfare system that is much to ''giving'' compared to the U.S......I can only talk from my area in which i live (bayern)

  19. No, they aren't.  I'm 5´5" and always have to feel like a Liliputian because most of the women I know are taller than me :-(

  20. No, they are generally very tall and slim

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