
Are Ghosts Real? And If You Say Yes Have You Encountered One?

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Are Ghosts Real? And If You Say Yes Have You Encountered One?




  1. when my husband crossed over a few years back ,the first contact he made with me was through my dreams,about our sons. Then one night I really was having a hard time and I asked him please come and see me,I needed him to hold me so badly.....instead he stood over me and kissed me on the soon as I saw him step back he was gone.later on that night when I was sleeping I felt some one sit on the edge one the bed and hold my hand.....I wanted it to last forever, and some day it will..................blessed be!

  2. Yes, and I've been allowed to see one Ghost on two separate occasions.

  3. Ghosts were created in a story which accidentaly came to be "real" by some loon, then people who over thought it start having hallucinations and start blaming anything weird on ghosts, which i call paranormal paranoia. Just because you can't understand something doesn't me you blame it on ghosts.

    Noises: can be traced to wind, things going on being linked through tubes, and anything else

    Sightings: lighting, hallucinations, pranks

    think about do you really think souls can be brought into what many people call limbo

    Also if there were such things as ghosts you'd see it on the news, and people would believe it, don't believe everything you here or see.

  4. Yes. 'Ghost' is a term used to identify a variey of different phenomena. I have encountered many in different forms.

  5. Yes,but,sometimes you just hear them,or feel them,real cold.

  6. Yes! They are totally real...I am 100% sure of it, and I am not a crazy person! Lol.

  7. Ghosts are real. "Ghost" are really spirits of the damned who's time has not come yet. (120 year rule per Genesis 6). Basically they are demons. Demons are not fallen angels, but souls that are not in heaven. Have I seen them? As an exorcist and one with a biblical gift of "discernment of spirits" yes, I have seen them. I know how hard this may be to accept, but I encourage you to keep an open mind.

  8. Sugar cane, oak trees, wombats, dogs, and giant pandas all belong to the category of beings for which there is known evidence.

    The tooth fairy, Father Christmas, ghosts, vampires, fairies, evil spirits, poltergeists, and hobgoblins all belong to a category of fictional beings invented for the delight of children and some adults. There is no evidence for the existence of any of the items in this category.


  9. yes and yes.

    I have encountered many.  I am told that I am a medium, but I can't communicate with the images I see.  Most of what I see are like glowing cobwebs and they project to me emotions.  I am looking for answers myself, so I can't say much more.

  10. dont think ghosts are real.... neither did i encountered them...

  11. No I never have.I've met many people who say they have.I don't believe any of them.They seem silly to me.

  12. Ghosts are as real as leprechauns. Anyone here encounter a leprechaun?

  13. I have been a investigator and researcher in the paranormal for over 30 years. are ghost real? yes they are. I have had many encounters and hope to have many more before my time on earth is done.

  14. Yes

  15. Yes they are real. I have had many experiences with haunted houses or peoples's spirits coming back to say goodbye.  They do not speak but they make an appearance....I've seen the outline or shape & it is transparent & when it is near the room will get very cold.   It may drop something...or turn on a radio...or make some kind of noise to let you know it is there.  They are from the Astral plane.  I know alot of people do not believe becaue they have never experienced an encounter but they do exist. ...They exist just as you & I do but they are on a different realm of existence.  Have you ever seen the movie "White Noise."?      Well, someone I cared alot about left a message on the answering was a month to the day after he could tell it wasn't could tell it WAS his voice.....he was letting us know that there was life after death & that he was okay. was very eerie.....but it was his voice....we made a copy of the proof.  Some  people are exposed to the supernatual & other's are not....some people are open to receive messages or sightings from spirits or ghosts....& other's are closed minded...I have been sensitive or open to the supernatural all my used to scare me when I was a child but I have done alot of research on the subject & my Mother explained to me that I inherited this gift from my Grandmother who was Clairovoyant.....I am Clairaudient.   I have the ability to see, hear, feel things from the other side.   & many times I know when something is wrong I sense it....This ability I have was a gift from God.  There are many people in the world that have the same abilfity.

  16. Dang, just one? I believe they exist.

    Take a look on my 360 page; there's three pics all of James. Two of them were on separate days.

    If I remember correctly, over three separate visits I collected about 40 one where you see him leaning on the tree I was taking rapid succession photos -- like 6 or 9 at a time -- and you could literally see him coming toward me.

    Anybody is always more than welcome to come hang out with me and take they're own pics and do their own explaining if they happen to catch a spirit.

  17. ghosts aren't real!

  18. Yes and yes. I have them in the house now, but they are protective. I put them in 3 categories. The interactive ones (poltergeists) the ones who are like videos who are not aware of you & the evil spirits.

  19. Plenty of things are unexplainable. Why does bread always land butter side down? If you have to wait 7 seconds for chemicals to trigger brain responses to make muscles jump out of the way of being run over, what knew to trigger the chemicals? Is there life after death? Are alternate universes real? What is the average flight speed of a Swallow? Am I rambling?

    If you can answer half of these you'd probably made your mind up about ghosts already. I think it's more about personal belief. People who do believe or are not sure are probably more likely to see ghosts/spirits than someone who will deny it...

    Me personally? Yes. And yes.

  20. As a research medium  I have encountered many spirits.  They are all here for a reason.  The reason tends to be a very human and emotional one.  Unfinished business, regrets and clearing their names seem to be on the top of the list.  

    As you can tell by the other responsed those that have had pratical experience with this are believers.  There is nothing more convincing than first hand experience.  

    I am currently working on a project that involves a spirit trying to clear her name.


    Bonnie Vent

    San Diego Paranormal Research Project

  21. Of course they are real. I have unfortunatley never SEEN one...but I have had a couple of paranormal experiences.

  22. Yes. I have and many times. I think it depends on the sensitivity of the person. Ghosts as compared to spirit helpers are different. Ghosts need a way out. Spirit helpers are for our good.

    And yes I've seen both and lived to tell about it.

  23. Yes, and yes

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