
Are Great White Sharks extinct???

by  |  earlier

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I don't think they are... But James Burke does.




  1. no, they aren't extinct yet. but they are under severe risk, and are listed as an endangered species. this is due to overfishing and destruction of habitat.

  2. of course not, man!

  3. No.  They are vulnerable.

  4. NO

    but they are endangered

  5. No way dude

  6. yes they are now  james burk can swim in there feeding areas if you believe me

  7. nope they are not, they are trying to figure out a way to keep them in confined areas for exhibits at aquariums.

  8. Greta white sharks are not extinct. Although they are being hunted unnecessarily, as are most sharks.

  9. Not at all.  You can see them off the coast of California.

  10. Well James Burke is wrong.  Great whites are not extinct.

  11. Well James Burke is wrong in a really big way. They're not extinct, but they do reproduce a lot more slowly than most animals, so when their numbers depleate it takes longer for them to rise again.

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