
Are Greeks the smartest people in the World?

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My American friend said that Greeks are the smartest people in the world. He said just ask them, and they will tell you it's true. So, I'm asking any real Greek people on the forum and not the wanna-be Greeks living safely in USA, UK etc. Just true Greeks in Athens etc..




  1. Yes, they are in my opinion! I would love to give you my reasons for this opinion but I am afraid to offend to many non-Greek people! One thing is for sure, they manage to get one of the longest longevities in the world (together with Okinawians) and the reason is not only olive you gotta be pretty smart to achieve that!

    They also have a really good sense of humor!

  2. Of course they are the smartest! They also are the prettiest and the modest people in the world!

    Promise me best answer and I'll tell you a secret.

  3. You can't generalise. there are many smart people in Greece, as there are some average and some dumb people. The same goes for all countries. What is true, throughout history, is that due to difficult conditions that Greeks have gone through (the state never provided solutions for everything, rather the opposite), greeks have become resourceful and they find solutions for their ptoblems. It is also true that the percentage of Greek people who have made scientific discoveries or who are considered as very intelligent by Mensa, is large, considering the small population of Greece. But generalisations like that can never work when you want to consider an entire people.

  4. There is a tendency of Greeks to honor themselves without being asked.  This in itself is not necessarily bad; but you have to wonder about the person who always has a need to tell you how smart, great etc he is or his country is.

    Generally, superior intellect, ability, or the like speaks for itself and does not need to be tooted like some note on a horn.

    There are certain countries around the globe which prove again and again their citizens make a difference.  Whether that is due to their intellect or their kindheartedness we can't say.  Both are equally important.

    I have found Greeks as smart as other world citizens, albeit a bit consumed by conspiracy theories.

  5. we r very smart as for a country i mean,  a few drunken idiots here and there but everyone has those moments once in a while, but have u ever heard of socrates, plato, pythagoras, aristotle, hippocrates, homer????  alphabet, mathematical pi, junoir BETA club, fraternities, (greek names)?????   and as for me, the greek, i am on the jr. beta club, and i guess i am very smart.   we r very modest and we have a GREAT sense of humor!!!!!  =D=)=p=p

  6. We are really smart but if we are the smartest, I don't know.... But one thing I can tell you and that is really true and tell It to your friend he will tell u that I'm right.. u know, we are number ONE in s*x... Greece is the country that more have s*x in the world and Brazil is the second one. So u know... hahaha!!! If u don't believe me take a look:

    About smartest... I think so... do u know Socrates? So u can see how we are...

    I know why u r asking it because someone told you that Greek people think that they are number one in everything, that is why... so u wanna see if it's true... okay, IT'S TRUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! one question: how old are you man? xaxaxaxxaxa...

  7. Well, let me put it like this. When I say something my tutor likes, in university here in New Zealand, he says "You make your ancestors proud" or "There is no hiding that you are Greek" or " your heritage is obvious. Well done!" I'm getting A+ in psychology, law I'm not too sure about. (I might drop law)

    And no, I'm not modest. Not one bit.

    And I was living in Greece for 20 years.

  8. That is the problem with imaginary friends.  He should have also told you that this is Greece Travel section and not Mensa

  9. nope, but you sure are the dumbest...

  10. Hello dear troll. No, Greeks are not the smartest people in the world.

  11. I think it's time you got better friends - maybe a Greek ...seeing as your friend claims they are more intelligent - Intelligence ... obviously something your friend lacks in!

  12. thıs ıs the most stupıd Q ı ve ever seen

  13. I don't think so

  14. If this question is consider to a wish, then there are too many wishes in the world for the smartest, best and superior nations. But the truth is relative and suppose this is your personal wish. And, you as the nation are not modest nor democratic, without any human rights to other nations or other people around you or in your neighborhood.

    So, please learn the democracy first, don't humiliate others and then be self lover and narcissus.

    But don't forget, I can appreciate you as a person no matter who  you are and how smart you are.

    Peace brother

  15. hmm....not really because it depends on the person,many different kinds of people have different intelligences in different aspects and all of us are intelligent,we are intelligent and no one is dumb or stupid....those dumb and stupid are only used to insult people but i believe that all of us are smart

  16. NO, and this No is the answer for both of your questions

  17. According to Mr.Portokalos (Fat Greek Wedding), yes.

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