
Are Guinea Pigs cuddly and affectionate?

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Do they bite? or pee on you?




  1. I have had my guinea pig for eight months! and she is AMAZING I love her to death. And No they don't pee on you, but if they have to relieve themselves then they might nibble on your finger to indicate that they want to be put down to go potty. And after youve had them for about 3 weeks they get used to you, and its more cuddling then annythingg else. They are very affectionate creatures, and time flys when you own them. if your a very busy person I wouldn't recomend them for they do require alot of time, exspecially when you first get them..

    A good way for them to get used to you is to put some hay outside of their house adn sit in front of the cage, and watch them slowly come out. It gets them used to you being around them.

  2. they p**p alot. dont get one its only fun for the frist day then its a pain in the butt to take care of them.

  3. they suck, period. they're annoying as h**l

  4. I had an amazing guinea pig he never bit me, on occasion he nibbled on me but mostly he licked me. The first few weeks I had him he did pee on me but that was because he was scared. It all depends on what type of guinea pig you get. Some are friendly and others are not

  5. They don't bite unless they are scared, but they tend to nibble.

    They don't usually pee on you, they just poo on you instead lol.

  6. they do not bite as much as hamsters.. some pee on you .. some dont..

    over all they are better than hamsters.

    are they cuddly?? depends if you get them from a pet store or good home first..

    pet store animals are NOT handled much (if at all) before being sold to the store so will not be friendly..

    pets from private homes or shelter will be better.

    ALWAYS check shelters first

    this is an excellent link

  7. Hey i had a guinea pig once there soo cute they dont tend 2 bite but they do poo + wee alot but if u really want 1 get 1 as they make great pets. x*x

  8. Not really. They do make squeaky noises but they also pee on you and a nusience to clean as they make a mess of everything and even sleep on their own poo! yuck. They can also smell bad. Sorry, but I dont think theyre the nicest pets. Rabbits are much nicer and cleaner to look after.  

  9. I wouldn't say they "bite" unless they were terrorized from when they were very young.  Get a young one and handle it regularly.  The guinea pigs I've had in the past never peed on anyone but they do p**p.  Just put them back in their cages for sufficient periods of time between handlings so they can do their business.  Guinea pigs are sweet rodents and just like any animal, it returns the treatment in which they've been treated.  Be nice to all animals and take good care of them.  As far as the way they turn out, get them as young as possible before they've learned possible bad behavior.  Have fun!  

  10. Guinea Pigs have only one purpose in life - and that is to seek out and BITE GROIN!

  11. If they think your finger is a carrot they'll gnaw on it, but they don't typically bite.

  12. its p**p is very smelly and toxic.  

  13. Guinea pigs are awesome!!

    I usually say they are like a dog that stays in a cage (in a nice way).

    They are intelligent. With some work they can use a litter box, they learn their name, they can do tricks, and they are very affectionate!!

    They do have a mouth with teeth, so can they bite? Yes, but they normally don't. I have only heard of them doing this when hey have been mistreated or extremely frightened.

    I have personally owned two, and come into contact with hundreds - I have worked at a pet store for over 3 years.

    You need to be sure you have the time to spend with it everyday so it is as affectioate as you would like. They need to be let out to exercise and have interaction with you pretty much everyday.

    Here are some sites for more info:

  14. Umm, not, not really

    They tend to get very afraid, and will try to jump out of your hands

  15. Yes, they are i have 2 and they are the cutest thing.

    The shed tho but when i hold them i put a towel on my just incase the pee or shed all over me.

    They squeak at times like when they are hungry or something.

    But they are very cuddly.

  16. They don't bite!  However, they are not particularly affectionate.  For affection your best best is a dog.

  17. They nip and pee alot an ex friend of mine had 1 for 2 weeks and we gave him a bath and he crapped at least a dozen times. He was very sqwirmy 2  

  18. Sometimes, sometimes, and sometimes.

  19. Well the one i had yelled alot and bit, we were super nice to it too, i guess it varies on the animal

    Dogs are much better though, you can actually play and pet them!

  20. no they don't cuddly or anything like that they barely even pay attention to people....dogs are so much better.

  21. I have a piggy that loves to be held and kisses  

  22. they are very shy and timid creatures

  23. I've had my Guinea pig for 4 years. She never bit anybody except my grandmother and thats because my grandmother stuck her finger in my guinea pigs cage. She peed on my once when i first got her. She never peed on me after. Yes they are surprisingly very cuddly. Whenever i pick mine up she cuddles right into my neck and then licks my face.  

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