
Are HD-DVDs now comming out on Bluray?

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Since Bluray won the format war, many companies are now switching over to blue ray, but many movies have been made in the HD-DVD format. I'm wondering if companies are taking the HD-DVD movies that are already out and putting them in Bluray. So this way I won't have to worry about buying an HD-DVD and Bluray player just so I can watch the few movies that were produced in HD-DVD.




  1. If not immediately, then eventually over the coming year or so.  HD-DVD is obsolete and studios won't simply lose money on the releases.  Market share, though, compared between Blu-Ray and standard, will determine how fast they move.

  2. HD  DVD  fromat  wont  work   because  blue  ray  is  far  far  batter  than  HD  DVD  so  just   buy   blue  ray  player  that  plays  all  formate  DVDsss,................

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