
Are Herb Alpert & the Tiajuanna brass popular in Mexico??

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I think that they are great music.Do people in Mexico like these artists??None of my mexican friends know about them.




  1. At my home they are. I love their version of "Lonely Bull"

    (It's Herb Albert & the Tijuana Brass)

  2. They were popular in the 60s .Actually, they disbanded in 1969...tho Alpert made an ocaasional album...last one in 1997.  He is 72 now, an artist and sculptor.  See article below.

  3. none of the Mexicans in Mexico heard of him

  4. why you like them kate?

  5. I heard of them in the 70s.

  6. I have never heard about them. I don't know who are they, of course I don't know their music.

    Once again; as you know I'm mexican,and I don't know anything about them.

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