Since I didn't listen to others and I asked a question which the Bias Yahoo people didn't like, because the question didn't pertain to praising the Republicans. I'm going to re-post it with a better title. But odds are Yahoo will deleted it anyway. So should I say "All Hail The Republicans!" Now Will Yahoo leave my question up? I have seen far worse questions that Yahoo didn't delete; so I guess Yahoo is Bias.
Now I'm not trying to be rude for no reason, I like Hillary Clinton. I'm a Democrat for life! Because it seems like every time I meet someone with the most insane, ignorant, hate-filled view, they end up being a Republican. So since I believe ALL people should have equal rights, I vote Democrat. And Hilary is a great person at heart. I just can't believe her supporters are willing to vote for John McCain instead of Obama, for the reason of SPITE! Everyone knows what we would get with McCain. He is just a boring, basic, stereotypical Republican. He fears change and loves war. He offers nothing different. So we would get 4 more years of yet another person with outdated views, passing laws to deny rights, support companies over the the employee's, and just keep on waring anywhere he wants to send our troupes next. I don't think her supporters understand that this election is to give a job to an American President! Not some PTA leader, or some class President! But to turn over power of the USA! Are Hilary's supporters really so pety that they would vote for McCain over Obama? How can a hard-core Democrat vote for a Republican? Do they not understand what that would do to our nation? Are they really willing to throw away a chance to have a unique president, just to make a point? Are their any Hilary supporters here that are willing to explain this to me! The Republican's offer NOTHING NEW! They want rights for White/Straight/Christian/Males, and everyone else to be considered less then human. That is all they ever wanted! They feed on HATE and BIGOTRY! So please tell me this isn't going to happen!