
Are Hillary supporters wishful thinkers?

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Regarding Pastor Jeremiah Wright: Obama has a higher delegate lead since the story broke out. Obama also went up a few points in the polls. Maybe a lot of people agree with some of the things that Pastor Wright has said.

Hillary supporters actually believe that Obama's pastor rantings, would take Obama down. I'm curious to know are her supporters grasping at anything possible to give them hope of Obama's inevitable invincibility?




  1. Obama Wins More Delegates in Iowa, Calif.

    Updated 11:33 p.m.

    By Peter Slevin

    CHICAGO - Sen. Barack Obama picked up nine more pledged delegates in Iowa, state Democratic officials said late Saturday night, as thousands took part in county conventions.

    All but one of the delegates had been among the 14 won Jan. 3 by former senator John Edwards, who has since dropped out of the Democratic presidential race. Election-night projections showed Obama getting 16 delegates and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton 15.

    With the other six standing firm for Edwards at the county conventions, Obama's camp claimed 25 delegates from Iowa to 14 for Clinton.

    "This is a very significant improvement for us," Obama campaign manager David Plouffe told reporters of the Iowa result. "We both fought as hard as we could here."

  2. No, I would say that pastor thing is due to republicans that want Obama not to succeed since he is the most likely to beat McCain in the polls. This pastor thing bothers religious conservatives the most, and independents, democrats the least.

    Another example of conservatives not quite understanding anything outside of their perfect world.

  3. I am sure the Clinton's does not like this but maybe they are getting a dose of their own medicine, the media has covered for them since Bill got into politics. Never put anything pass the Clinton's, they are a get what they want, a do or die situation, always. I would not vote for  a Clinton or Obama but I must say, I am really enjoying watching a Clinton getting beat by Obama, so far.  Obama is the one that better take things more serious, the Clinton's have a whole lot of connections and they will serve him his head on a platter if necessary, they are vicious and think they are above all the laws on the books, they have gotten by with breaking the laws for over 35 years, a few more broke means nothing to them.

  4. The Democratic party is in turmoil over this divisive race. The longer it continues the more likely McCain will win.

  5. Wistful thinkers and day dreamers.

  6. Actually Obama's poll numbers are dropping.

    The delegate count increase is due to prior primary elections that are unaffected by current events. The rest of the primaries shall be quite different.

    Super delegates will leave Obama.

    Florida and Michigan delegates will be seated.

    Hillary supporters have every reason to expect to win the nomination outright.

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