
Are Hispanics More Popular Than Ever?

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Everyone wants their vote now. (see below)




  1. Apparently yes, according to the article.

    chimokamon in diapers wth? Btw you can't look that word up on any translater.

  2. Yes they are Barack Obama worked hard to get the Puerto Rican vote.........It does more hispanics are going to vote.

  3. I firmly believe that both campaigns are going to get a rude awakening.

  4. Hispanics are a culture group and they have been, and continue to be, a popular culture all over the world.  

    Illegal aliens, however, are beginning to be less and less popular.  And while they do want their vote, they do not want to abandon the mainstream vote.


    Dr. Illegals Crush....if you read FBI statistics most people in prison are White males. Sorry to disappoint you.


    The bigotry here is interesting.  In terms of shear people, White Males are the majority of prisoners, but just barely.  But when you look at those numbers, you discover that by percentage of people in the United States, only 9% or so are in prison, while by the percentages, almost 40% of the African American Population is in jail with a huge number of felony offenders on probation outside.  The Hispanic Community is in the same trouble, with something like 23% of the youth in jail and a huge number on probation for felony offenses.  

    By numbers the statement is correct.  By percentages, the number make minority groups the primary offenders in the prison system by a large majority.  That in turn, makes an excellent case for the equal but separate concepts of separation of peoples.


    One very clear point here is that there are probably some 30 million illegal aliens in this country.   When they are deported, I believe the Mexican American/Latin American population will fall to number three.

    Oooh.  Whosits is gonna have to keep his midol.

  5. Hispanics are going to punish a lot of Republicans this year and teach them a lesson..  Seeing how they bashed them last year, I hope they all vote Democrat.

  6. Its more silliness than substance.

    Try looking at the facts.  (I know those are peskly little things that mess with reality.)

    Hispanics are the nation's largest and fastest growing minority group; at 46 million strong, they make up about 15% of the U.S. population. Their electoral clout continues to be undercut, however, by the fact that many are ineligible to vote, either because they are not citizens or not yet 18 years old. In 2008, Latinos will comprise about 9% of the eligible electorate nationwide. If past turnout trends persist, they will make up only about 6.5% of those who actually turn out to vote next November.

    ps, pass the midol.

  7. Yes, everyone want their vote NOW.

    But I hope they don't forget last year when everyone was bashing them to get votes (like the Republicans), or to get ratings like orange-haired Lou Dobbs and others.

  8. The richest man in the world is Mexican he passed Bill Gates some time ago. Their is 4 hispanics that are included in the top 10 richest athletes in the world. Our people are very good looking. White people spend allot of money to get our tans. We arent to white or black weare just right!

  9. Legal Hispanics have always been popular. It's just that some Republicans and those shock jocks on hate radio were using illegal immigration to bash all Hispanics, legal or illegal.

  10. Anyone with the right to vote is part of America and there for important.  

    It's only the criminals who are a problem.

  11. When the Irish were coming in waves, the Democratic Party was rubbing its palms together.

    They saw votes. They helped the Irish who were dock workers and police officers beat up and ostracize blacks who were fewer in the North.

    The Democratic Party made it its agenda to limit slavery in the new western states so as to not take opportunities away from the poor whites, its voting base.

    Today, it sees the same in Hispanics which are many and can be a powerful voice.

  12. The legal Hispanics as voters are no more popular than any other voter. It's just a subject the media loves to cover for that extra special PC feeling.

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