
Are Homo-Sapiens born with darker skins inferior to their fair-skin counterp parts?

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i invite more people to comment on this issue as there is a social blockage which if not surgically operated upon will not change the mindset .




  1. Not necessarily; people with dark skin at high latitudes have vitamin D problems, just like those of us with pale skin have trouble with skin cancer & massive sun burns.

    Its a function of adaptation to our environment by our ancestors.

  2. All created equal but ancestors have adapted to different environments. Equal, not inferior.

  3. Light skinned people have for centuries fantasized that somehow, they are superior to dark skinned people.

    This fantasy, like many we hold dear, is poppycock!

  4. Not in any sense, no

  5. They're less efficient at absorbing sunlight in order to create vitamin D.  Of course, they are more protected from the harmful effects of the sun.  That's pretty much it.

  6. Skin colour reflects the climates of someones ancestors, with a bit of randomness thrown in. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. I have lighter skin but tan well.  I am surprisingly stupid and juvenile both when in the sun and during this God forsaken snow infested winter in Wisconsin.  So, the color of my skin, while changing with the seasons, plays no part in my intelligence, which has been lacking since birth.  I constantly babble "dadda go joogoo" when my mind is unoccupied, and have wet myself on numerous occasions.  It is with great trepidation that I admit my penchant for l*****g paste when others are not observing me.  This is rare, for my cage has been on display year round here Vilas Zoo in Madison.  With that, I bid you adieu, and .... good day.

  8. Its ridiculous for you to be even asking this question without specifying any parameters.Superior in what respect?


    Physical Prowess?


    Resistance to diseases?

  9. its Homo sapien, no s even it its plural, and dont capitalize the s (hehe just had to say it).... but no.

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