
Are Hospitals and Doctors willing to come down on their charges so we can afford health care ?

by Guest61175  |  earlier

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Are hospitals greedy ?




  1. Don't blame hospitals, in Canada its all free. Blame health insurance companies that make certain that the USA will never get free health care.

  2. Are you willing to lower YOUR salary so that your doctor doesnt have to charge so much? Is mercedes going to charge less for its cars? Are the universities going to charge less for there medical degrees? and make them take 2 years instead of 7 years? Is the electricity company going to charge less (even while the oil price is rising), and is the grocery store going to charge you less for a bottle of milk?

    The real answer? Its not that simple.

  3. nope.

    medical care in this country is a privlage.. not a right.

  4. It's not so much the Hospitals and Doctor's fault, it's the Insurance Company's you can blame for the high prices. Ask a Doctor what it cost him/her for malpractice insurance. Ask the Hospitals about the supplies they have to pay for, being raised by the Pharmaceutical Company's. But you can bet, it all points to the Insurance Company's. That's all I can tell you, You think about it and you'll come up with the same answers. Good luck sir.

  5. Hospitals are not making profits.  It's the insurance companies and the drug companies making the obscene profits, sucking the money out of the health care system.  Hospitals around the country are in financial trouble and cannot cut prices.

    It's true that hospitals charge outrageous prices for some things, like you might be charged 20.00 for a 50 cent bandaid, but that's because the insurance companies pay so little to the hospitals that they have to boost charges so that after the insurance company discount, they can break even.

    Hospitals typically get paid less than 50% of what they charge.

  6. no they like thier mercedes too much...

  7. why should they come down??

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