
Are Howard and Boozer to cool the wear they're hats in the Olympic ceremony

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  1. yes there just 2 losers!!

  2. Who cares. I am more interested in what they can do on the court.

  3. thanks for two points.

    great question

  4. What up the Real King,

    Not exactly sure what their reason was- but it was pretty uncool and not patriotic at all.  i hope they represent America well when it's time to get on the medal stand.  


  5. Thats not Important Unless You Are Their Mom

  6. Some guys have no class ,what can ya do??

  7. dude i saw that. i was like wtf??

    hmm....they must not have thought it was that important. they must be too cool for it, but lets see if their performance backs up their *********

  8. Guess some guys don't want to be part of a team!!

    Funny that out of 250 ppl  there the only ones not wearing there hats!!Rude!!

  9. WHO cares big deal maybe they dont like hats maybe they forgot theirs maybe they dident get one who cares no need to make a big deal out of it i think u al are disrespectfull because u dont know why tehy dident wear it and u call them loosers and punks u guys are teh loosers!

  10. what the second 2 last said  

  11. have you seen Carmelo Anthony, he was wearing his hat sideways kinda tilted. Somewhat like a Doorag.

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