
Are Hull Fans glad to see that commentators are not treating their games as 'tourist vacations' (yet)?

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It is good to see a team like Hull City show their determination in the Premiership from day one, but as the season goes on, and they get beat a few times, will we hear commentators start to get a bit patronising, making them sound like a team of 'tourists - running around Anfield/Old Trafford/Stamford Bridge in awe' if they start to slide, which I hope they don't, as a few 'unknown' teams in the Premiership making good may shut up the morons who (like 'fans') are fairweather friends of the usual top teams.




  1. im a manu fan, i want 2 c hull stay up. its class 2 c dem punch above der weight. ok they will go and lose 5 on the trot at some stage, but they have quailty- geovanni- foran looks like he could get 10 goals, and get into the irish team.. hull to finsh 17th, and will earn something at the KC against manu.. it seems alway 2 happen to manu drawing or losing 2 new prem lge sides

  2. I'm not a Hull City fan, but I am glad that people aren't taking them for granted. They can nick points off the better teams, and I think they'll struggle far less than Derby to stay up. Will they struggle at all?

    It does give a bad feeling when people guffaw at Hull or Stoke travelling to the Bridge, Anfield or the like. It's OK to write off their chances of winning there, but commentators or pundits shouldn't mock them by calling their games 'tourist vacations'.

    Playing football at the highest level today is harder than most people think. Its more than a bunch of people kicking a ball around as directed by an old geezer shouting his throat out at the touchline.

    I say give every team respect. The big four have been upstaged by Coventry, Barnsley and the like. They were on more than a tourist vacation. They played to win, and they won. If Coventry and Barnsley can do it, why not Hull, Stoke and West Brom?

  3. I hope they, West Brom and Stoke do well. It's not easy to compete successfully in the PL. They have earned their right to play and people should respect that. It shouldn't matter what the commentators say. What is important is how their fans feel and how we, as a football community, show our respect towards them as competitors.  

  4. enjoy it while it lasts..................

  5. i really like hull this season, they've made some good signings too like king, geovanni and mendy.

    I cant see who's going to get relegated this season, only west brom i think at the moment.

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