
Are Human Sacrifices still carried out in other parts of the World?

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are they if they are where and what are they doing it for. i was watching ice mummies on uktv history and i was wondering are these human sacrificials still carried out on adults or adolsceant or children. it tears me apart how people sacrifice humans. what do they do with the bodys




  1. Palestinian mothers strap explosives onto their children. I think that counts.

  2. African country it's mot's ancient history in human sacrifices into today they belie in pagans religions it's not legal

  3. I agree with Zoe Rose.

    War is a form of ritual sacrifice often promoted as a sacrifice for the "good of the nation"!

    Martyrdom by suicide terrorists could also be regarded as a form of sacrifice?

  4. Yup, they are called other records I have herd of.

  5. It's called war. "Sacrifice" is even a word used in that context.

  6. Only here on Yahoo! Answers, after you've been suspended 3 times!


  7. they probably do that somewhere in the world. if you think about it, war is a human sacrifice because the government takes them to war, where they could get killed. they are sacrificing their lives for their country.

  8. There are all sorts of urban legends about cults doing this kind of thing, either in America or Africa. 99% of it is complete rubbish, though there are the odd cases where people were murdered for Muti rituals. This isn't really ritual sacrifice, instead they murder people and steal body parts.

    Here is a link about a suspected case that happened in Europe a few years back.

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