
Are Hybrid cars as safe as normal ones and are they good for teenagers to drive?

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I am a teenager and i would like a Hybrid car, but my parents aren't sure if they are safe.




  1. They should be comparable to conventional cars of the same size and weight.  

    Of course, being  a parent myself, and knowing the crash statistics for new drivers, it's always scary when one's progeny drives around in a little sardine can!  :-)  Mine does, and it scares the beejeebers outta me thinking of those five thousand pound behemoth SUVs being driven wildly by people who feel (and in fact ARE) invincible due to their mismatched size.  

    Therefore, you should get a multi-ton hybrid TRUCK to make your parents feel less worried.   :-)    When you get more experience driving with the distractions of friends, stereo, cell phone, make-up mirror, etc., THEN you can get a smaller hybrid.

  2. Hybrid cars are perfectly safe to drive. Here is some information on the safety ratings of a 2006 Toyota Prius. Overall, it received a 4-star crash test rating.

  3. Teenager should only drive armored vehicles.

  4. They are just as safe as a normal car, they just have a battery, generator and motor. If you are in a realy bad accident then you should be more worried about the gas tank exploding than leaking battery acid

  5. Yeah they have to go though the same testing all other cars have to go through. The major difference is just how in an accident to treat it. I've heard like with a Prius the fireman have to discharge the battery if in any chance of fire  in an accident but in all  they know what their doing.

    Getting you a hybrid will save you money on gas and have long full effect on the environment

    And just like i say with The hybrids when you start asking  if alternative fuel vehicles are a problem, I will tell you this. By the time they come out so much testing will have come down the path and except the fuel source ,the way i hear it you wont notice much diffrence. ;)

  6. The Hybrids are just as safe as any other vehicle - remember it's more about the driver than the car anyway.  The maintenance on Hybrids is also known to be less than the average car, making it even better for a teenager.  Just be willing to learn how to read all the screens and understand the importance of what they display.  The cars also maintain their value quite nicely and it'll save you a lot on gas (especially if you're paying instead of your parents).

    Aside from all that, the smart people in the world are going green now, since that's the way we need to be headed for the future.  I say it's great to see that you want a Hybrid.  Personally I'm finding that it's up to us to go green - I find many more people in the younger crowd than the middle or older crowd caring about the environment and our effect on it. GO YOU!  Set a great example.

  7. A hybrid car is as safe as its driver, just like any other vehicle.

  8. Yes, tell your parents to buy you one.

  9. Hybrid cars are just as safe as a normal car but they do cost a lot more than a regular car so I wouldn't suggest getting one until you are a more experienced driver

  10. absolutly do you think that they would be allowed to sell them if they wernt

    they are also cheaper to run so you wont need to ask them for cash to fill it up as often

  11. No vehicle, or machinery is safe until a person knows all the dangers of operating it, this goes for anyone regardless of age.A hybrid car will help America to wean itself off of fossil fuels quicker, so tell your parents that you would like to help the problem of elimination of dependency on fossil fuels and study up on the dangers of driving and then discuss the options with your parents. I think if you do this, they will be impressed and find out that your decisions to drive will put them at more ease.

  12. They are very safe. In fact they are probably a bit more safe than regular vehicles because of the increased weight. (When in an accident, the more heavy YOUR car is, the better).

    Something like the Highlander or RX400 hybrids would be about as safe as it gets. If those are too expensive, you could get a Saturn Vue "Greenline". The current one is alright, but the new one will be even better.

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