
Are Iran,China,North Korea or Russia sworn enemies of the USA?Reasons for USA to wage war on any of them?

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  1. The USA has to mind its own business.

    What did those countries do to the USA for the last 10 years? But the USA feels like it has a right to interfere  in those couturiers inner policy.

  2. No. These countries are not the sworn enemies of the US. The US has no reason to wage a war on them. The Russians have about ten nuclear bombs in the States that can be armed and set off from Moscow.

    I have no fear of war, but I think you should.

  3. According to the US yes...however I think Iran, China, North Korea and Russia would rather the US just kept it's hypocritical nose out of their business.

  4. North Korea might be sworn enemies to the US. However there are no 'good' reason for the US to engage in war on anyone. In fact, it is in the US's best interests to maintain diplomatic relations with China and Russia as we are as dependent on them as they are with us.

    No fears of war here... but I do fear living in a deformed society filled people who have missing limbs and dead children. But to put it in perspective, The US contains 2% of the worlds population, yet spends half the worlds defense budget. America's largest export is defense products, so it is safe to say when there is conflict, key people in the US profit. Sadly, none of this money will go in to your pocket book.

  5. They have refused to conform to the laws of Bush&co.

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