
Are Iran and Iraq the same country or 2 diff countries?

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I can't figure out if Iran and Iraq are the same country or not and I feel embarresed to ask anyone but here, can someone tell me? I need to know who we are fighting with lol




  1. Iran and iraq are two different countrys,and just so you know we are fighting with Iraq

  2. yes;...;...

  3. They are two countries. Please go buy a World Map to help you Identify countries in the news.  Just pull up a world map on the computer.  You will see that Iraq is on the west side of Iran and Afghanistan is on the east side of Iran.  These are Mountainous countries in the Middle east.

    My Dad always had one on the wall, but now I have Google earth.

    Stay in those World History classes and the Geography classes.

  4. Iran is Persian , Iraq is Arab ,

  5. wayyyyyyy different countries.

  6. You must hate geography. You don't seem to be able torecognize the difference between a two states that end with different letters even with the media rambling about those two places constantly.

  7. it's good your at least trying to figure it out....

    but dude, couldn't you just google the information????

    or look at a map???

  8. Ummmm.....yeahhhh. I hope this isn't for real as that would be really sad after all the coverage in the news for the last 20+ years.

  9. They are 2 different countries.  They happen to be next to each other (they share a border).

    In the past 100 years, they have even been at war with each other a few times.


  10. OK, I won't make fun of you... When 20/20 went out on the streets of New York, most people couldn't even find the middle east or even CHINA on a map...

    Iraq is what used to be Babylon and Iran is what used to be Persia.

    They are all the same PEOPLE but different countries...

    They both have the same gods... They both speak the same basic languages...

    And the sad part is that they have been fighting about the same stupid bullshit for THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF YEARS...

    ANYONE that thinks that we can make them stop is deluding themselves... If THOUSANDS of years can go by and their differences are STILL NOT SETTLED... There is no hope for these retards...

    Oh, and if the Russians had taken down Afghanistan back in the 80's, they would have moved on to take out Iran next because they were looking to gain access to a warm water port with which to ship Oil... the Former USSR is chalk full of OIL but it is located in Cold Water Ports so they are limited for part of the year due to the environment...  

    If the US (Specifically that Texan Democrat) didn't help the Afghan people fight off the USSR, Iran might not be the threat that they are to us today... And Afghanistan wouldn't be a threat if we had either let them be taken down OR helped them establish a new government after the USSR was beaten back... The Taliban was able to take over because we just up and left after we gave them the Stinger Missiles... EVERY action and inaction has VERY long term international consequences...

    I can only hope that we have learned from what we did in Afghanistan when we go to pull out of Iraq.

    Edit: My father saw a sign on an over pass on the Eisenhower Expressway that said "No war with Iran" and he agrees... He says that we need to send the Jew's in to take um' down... It's what we have been paying Israel for all these years! LOL

  11. Iran and Iraq are both in the middle east, they're neighbouring countries though.... Iran sits just to the east of Iraq, with Afghanistan and Pakistan further east of Iran. Below Iraq is Saudia Arabia and to the west of Iraq is is Syria with Turkey to the north - hope that helps! Also check out google maps

  12. two different countries, please read more.

  13. They are two different countries.

  14. They are 2 diff countries, they are neighbors, both middle eastern countries, right now we are fighting Iraq but soon will be Iran too :)

  15. Different. Check them on an atlas, you`ll see where they are located.


    Iran- Teheran

    Iraq- Bagdad.

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