
Are Irish dancers not supposed to smile when they dance?

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I've been watching videos on Youtube of Irish dancers and it seems like I only saw one video where a few people were smile. Most of the time they look so serious... I think it's prettier when they smile though.




  1. lol I say the same thing to my friend that does Irish. She says the reason why she doesn't smile is because she's concentrating so hard on the steps that she just forgets to smile. I was at an Irish comp and I noticed most girls just didn't smile. But then again, Irish is so fast and intricate that they probably have an excuse not to smile.


  2. You should always reflect the mood of a piece when you're dancing, regardless of style. Irish dance music is so happy and upbeat, they ought to be smiling and having fun. I understand it's terribly hard. I've done it. But if they're really enjoying themselves, they ought to smile. I don't honestly know why people don't... Not something they think about, I suppose.

  3. LOL.

    That used to be a problem of many of the dancers in my group. We would all be concentrating so diligently, we would essentially think about nothing other than the dance. It got to a point, though, that we all became so enraptured with the dance, that we could not help but smile. I even remember one time when, during a practice session, I burst out laughing because of how much I was enjoying the dance. Everyone looked at me as though I had gone mad. ;) Really, though, I can't help but smile when I dance. (I have taught classes before, as well, and I always tell the students to try to release the tension and SMILE).

    I recall, back when I was taking lessons, my instructor telling me that she was once performing with Riverdance (!), and she injured herself badly. She kept grinning through the whole thing, though, gritting her teeth until the end...She always said that it was the smile that got her through the ordeal. ;)

    Additionally, if you are in competition, I wholeheartedly believe that the judges really do look to see if you are smiling. (Smile or else. :)

    If you look at the Riverdance or Lord of the Dance performances, all of the performers are smiling...

    I guess I'll just reiterate this: Irish dancing is so enjoyable, it is hard not to smile! Try it sometime, if you are able.

    God bless.

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