
Are Irving Big Stops safe places to shower and eat for foreign travelers?

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I will be visiting Nova Scotia on business by myself - I was told I could stop at an Irving Big Stop to shower, change clothes, and eat before going to my meeting the same day (I will not have time to go to my hotel in another city). In the US, truck stops are not always safe. Can someone comment on the safety and quality of facilities of Irving Big Stops in Nova Scotia? Thank you.




  1. The Irving Big Stops probably have the cleanest washrooms anywhere.  I believe they clean them every hour.  The food is excellent too.

  2. They're safe. I wouldn't trust a truck stop in the states, but Nova Scotia is a wonderful province with extremely nice people. Don't worry go for it.

  3. I love Irving Big Stop :-) I miss them so much since I moved to Ontario.

    We use to go there just to have dinner.

  4. Relax.

    How many times have people told you that Canada IS NOT the USA ?

    At a very basic level, the two countries are really different, when it comes to personal safety. Why? We don't have the huge criminal element that the USA does. People here are   proud of their communities and  of being a contributor to the economy, by working and paying their taxes. We don't have the kind of grinding, generation after generations of poverty, that for example West Virginia, or  Alabama has.

    In addition, the Province of Nova Scotia  is so friendly and welcoming that you will be pleasantly surprised.

    Enjoy your trip.

    Jim B. Toronto.

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