
Are Israel's nieghboring Arab countries planning to ambush them as fortold in Revelation?

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All the Arab nations fight between themselves. But on the Jewsish issue they are all brothers. And when a foriegn country comes into their turf watch out. They are cunning. America is on their turf.




  1. Israel and Arab in Revelation = Israel and Iran = 11/09/2008 = The fourth woe(02/05/2008 and 12/05/2008 and ....< 11/09/2008

  2. Egypt signed the Camp David peace treaty in the late seventies, and has made no aggressive acts toward Israel since then.

    Jordan agreed to a "non-beligerency" agreement in 1994.

    Syria and Lebanon have no interest in "ambushing" Israel.  They know the IDF would kick the **** out of them.

    So, no.

  3. The arab nations have already done this twice.  Once when Israel was a day old and again more recently. In both cases Israel came out victorious.  it would be more prudent for the arab nations to sign and keep peace treaties as it costs a lot less.

    As for any other nation going to war over there well there are lessons from the past that should be examined and used as warnings of what is to come.

  4. Yes, it will happen in the valley of Armageddon..  

    Bet your life on it, your eternal life through Jesus Christ.

  5. yeah the bible rocks i love it

    i find when i go to the toilet the pages very soft and absorbent

  6. "fortold in Revelation" - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha LoooooooL

    No! Doesn't seem that way, for now anyway. These regimes are completely hollow from within, already side lined by resentment by their people towards these corrupt regimes. They have no central structure or unity to be any threat to Israel.

    Eleven countries boycotted Arab league summit in Syria. The lack of common unity has always been a great plus for Israel,

    as there is no need for 'divide and conquer', they are already fractured.

    Only threat left in that region is Iran, that's the reason Israel is keen on removing that threat!

  7. The fairytale superstitions of primitive ancient desert nomads should have no bearing on anything in the modern world.

  8. Actually that is from the book of Daniel

  9. That is not in Revelation OR in Daniel.  Go read Ezekial Chapter 38-39.  The invasion, called Ezekial's War, is the next major prophetic landmark, and will be speaheaded by Russia ALONG WITH Iran and the arab countries around Israel, which I don't see occurring in the IMMEDIATE future (Russia is not at top strength and is too economically crippled at the moment to launch an attack).  But go read the chapters, go read the chapters, go read the chapters.  Should I stress that again?? lol.  Great question man.

  10. everything in revelations will come to be, for then you you know who is the lord

    hey, a lot of it seems to have happened all ready huh?


    i can't wait

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