
Are Italians Generally Accepting of East Asians?

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I am considering traveling and possibly moving there. Florence seems nice.




  1. i'm english/american and i have been living here for the past 11 years(i'm now 25)

    the italians where i live have problems excepting whoever isn't italian.there is alot of rasism ...some people are just plain out mean to outsiders!

    florence is lovely and there are alot of Foreigners so it will be alot easier there, i love people from tuscany!

    remember, the bigger the city the more Foreigners you will find, the more open minded italians you'll meet!

    good luck!



  2. The Italians have faced problems of a stagnant economy and unemploment for a long time, so naturally they are not comfortable with immigrants. They are quite humane in mannerism and unlikely to outwardly show this but anti-immigration sentiment is strong especially because of violent crime commited by some foreigners. Some east Asians have settled in Italy, apparently out of desperation as they sell souvenirs to tourists on the street, offer massage on the the beach, work as house cleaners, etc - most of which are not the nicest jobs and this has reflected badly on east Asians.

    But if you come as a business investor or an expatriate from an international company, with a good job and look well-groomed, they will be a lot more accepting. So it's not so much about your ethnicity as it is about your social class as they perceive it. It's about the value you bring to their country.

  3. yes they are.

  4. Italians tends to be pretty friendly.  especially if you are a guy, they are always hugging you and so..

    have fun.

  5. Hi Yun! I'm italians, and here in Italy there are a lot of East the big city in particular, students, tourists etc...!

    I think there is no problem...Ciao!

  6. Generally yes.... although you must be aware that there certainly is raceism in Italy.

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