
Are Jews considered a "hate group against the n***s..."?

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Moreover, is the NAACP considered a "hate group against the KKK?"

If not why would a group dedicated to marginalizing the activities of a purely hate-driven group such as Feminism be designated a "hate group?"

Wouldn't the appropriate terminology be "a group dedicated to the preservation of fundamental human rights?"




  1. n***s and Neo-n***s don't consider the Jewish people to even be human as they constantly describe them as insects and rodents. Therefore, n***s would just think of them as "scum" instead of a hate group.

    In saying that, I'm pretty sure a religion can't legally be described as a hate group.

    And about the group that's dedicated to marginalizing feminists...I think they can be considered a hate group but only if they use hostility or violence against feminists. If the group is purely thoughts or theories than no, they're not a hate group.

  2. Jews are a religion not a 'hate group'. They were not 'formed to fight the n***s' ! The n***s ARE a hate group against Jews.

    The NAACP is a group designed to support and care about non whites. It is NOT a hate group - it doesn't hate anyone. It is the KKK that is a hate group.

    You are very confused in your thinking. You do not appear to know what a hate group is!

    Your question about feminism is even more confused than your earlier statements. Feminism is only a stance for females; it is not always anti male nor is it designed to be anti male - only anti female insults and anti female hatred.

  3. the n***s hated the jews during WW2 because Hitler blamed them for everything, but nowadays the jewish people are treated like every other religion

  4. Ahh so your question is really about feminism, isn't it?  Well as I see it there are two kinds of feminism, the first wanting equality and the second wanting superiority.  I agree with the first but I disagree with the second.  

    There are certain kinds of feminists who overstep their ethical position of wanting equality and indeed think that they are superior.  This is not acceptable to me.

    However I do support more equality between the sexes, and while we have come a long way, there is more work to be done here.

    Maybe the solution is to stop using the word 'feminism' (because for some it hints at the second ugly kind of feminism) and start using the word 'humanism' (or something like that) in order to clarify this and to reflect that its not just about females, all of us humans need to be involved in creating more harmony between the genders.

  5. The term Jews refers to a specific religious/national/cultural group.

    The NAACP is a group for advancement of colored people (term used at the time, often considered politically incorrect today)

    These are, in my opinion, groups operating for positive ends.

    It seems you are attempting to complicate something that is relatively simple.

    The n**i party incorporated racial superiority into its doctrine.

    The KKK was started to object to equality between races and intimidate both blacks and the whites who supported and assisted the freed slaves. These are hate groups.

    Regarding feminism, I consider them confused, sad women.

  6. feminist demand to be treated with respect the way they should respect a man.

    but balls demand respect not b*****s.

    the richest persons and rulers of the world are men.

  7. The only time a Feminist group would be considered a hate group, is when a small elite group of feminist extremist go out and commit a hate crime such as killing an innocent man.

    As for the other two groups, not only are the n***s and KKK are hate groups, but they're primitive morons who commit mindless acts, and preach mindless garbage.

    Jews and th NAACP are not hate groups, the NAACP is a human rights group, while Jewish is a religion.

  8. Feminism is pro women, that's all

  9. Where do you get the idea that feminism is hate-driven?  You're totally wrong.  

  10. Humanity is full of factions vying with each other.

    Lol. I guess they would be.

    Feminism is hate group of men.

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