
Are Jews more successful than Asians in America?

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Are Jews more successful than Asians in America?




  1. I dont know the answer to this question. All I know is both groups of people are generally very bright and successful.

  2. I'm Canadian and have a really serious question:

    What's all this comparison c**p between different cultures, colour, religion, etc.

    Asians, Jews, Blacks, Latinos, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Whites, blah, blah, blah.

    Can't you guys just work at being a harmonious society?

  3. jews will help out a jew just because they are a jew, just like an asian will help out an asian just because they are. and the irish, the poles, the blacks, mexicans, etc all follow this.

  4. Considering jews run America, I'd say so.

  5. Generally you could say yes, possibly because Jews may have a long historical background of being involved in monetary endeavors or business like activities than other races or religions.

    If you go back in time a bit, you might find Jews being more involved in business, trade or money, and if anything passes down in the genes, such as personality traits associated with shrewd business practice, then it is possible Jews are more successful than asians in the US. Also consider the fact that Jewish people are, well, not "segregated" from society, but family importance and socioeconomic status within the Jewish religion may be bound strongly. For example family businesses and the willingness of Jews to trade with other Jews.

    However, if you consider Asians in America, they are not in their native land, and it may be that Americans would prefer to deal with people from their own country than other Asians. Compare the two: the fact that Jews tend to be more close knit and business has been quite good in Jewish families in all countries, with Asians outside their homeland, as a group it is quite possible Jews would be more successful than Asians in America.

    Also consider that you are discussing two very different groups of people. Asians as a whole are one race, Jews are a more culturally/religiously bound "family type" arrangement.

    I am not making definitive assertions here, I have no evidence to back any of this up.

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