
Are Kettlebells really worth it?

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I work at Play It Again Sports and we just got in a major order of kettlebells and I'm thinking of buying one because i hear they are really good for your core.

The only problem is that they run for two bucks a pound and that seems a little pricey. Does anybody know if it is really worth 2 bucks a pound? I'm looking to maybe get a 20 pounder so that will be about 40 bucks and i'm not sure if there is that much of an advantage over a regular dumbbell.




  1. Yeah kettlebells are a really good workout, I don't know about for 2 bucks a pound though, that's pretty pricey.  I would recommend you just get a gym membership because most gyms will have them there.  Look up some workouts on youtube and then do them at the gym.  Maybe purchase one for home use.

  2. They offer a different angle, but all exercise depends on you rather than the equipment.  

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