
Are King trumpets any good?

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Ok, I have been playing trumpet since I was in sixth grade and the trumpet I rented was a King brand one. I don't know the model number or anything on it. I ended up having it for so long it just was paid off so I kept it. I'm in 11th grade now and just started to question whether or not it is a good trumpet. I've kept good care of it and it has no dings or scratches but I was wondering if the brand itself is any good or should I try and get a new trumpet?




  1. Determining instrument quality has become more challenging in recent years because so many companies that used to be independent have been bought up by larger manufacturers. King is part of Conn-Selmer, and so are the two brass instrument manufacturers that used to be considered the best by many, Bach and Benge. You can think of Conn-Selmer as the General Motors of instruments and the brands King, Selmer, Benge, Bach, etc. as divisions like Chevrolet, Saturn, Cadillac. King would be somewhere between a Chevrolet and a Pontiac depending upon the models.

    If you want to continue playing beyond high school for your own enjoyment, then the King will serve you well. However, if you plan to continue your musical education beyond high school and pursue a major in music at the college level, then you should consider trading up to a Yamaha, Bach or Benge trumpet. If you want the ultimate, you may wish to investigate Monet or Calicchio trumpets. Your decision will ultimately depend on what kind of music you want to play (band, symphonic, jazz, R & B), and what your goals are.

    If you intend to play a lot of different kinds of music, the best option may well be one of the Yamaha professional intermediate or professional models. They are very flexible horns with a sound that is suitable for band, symphonic or jazz playing.

    I've shared some links that might help you below.

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